About Me
C'est a l'age de 15 ans que son ami Dj Wata le fait connaitre du public. Steven Oteiza aka Dj Dia$ fait ses debuts sous le blaze de Dj El Nino, alliant la technique et la musicalite il fait tres vite repere puis ammener a jouer pour l'un des plus grands festivals latino du canton de Vaud : le TROPICANA, qui le temps d'un week-end unifiait le Mad, l'Amnesia Club ainsi qu'une dizaines d'autres bars Latino !Par la suite, il enchaine soirees sur soirees dans plusieurs villes telles que Fribourg au TOO SEE Club, Bulle au Globull. Il parcours ensuite de nombreux nightclubs lausannois comme l'Amnesia Club, le Mad, l'Atelier Volant, le Pacha club, le Cult Club (Explosion Latina avec Dj Nelson), plusieurs soirees a La Movida, L'Escobar et pleins d'autres. En 2004, il decide de changer de blaze et d'integrer du neuf dans son concept.
DJ DIA$ se lance dans le Hip-hop, le R'n'B, le Dancehall et le Reggaeton, domaine de preference ou il souhaitait evoluer des ses debuts. En Mai 2005, il fut sacre Champion Suisse des DJ's Latino (a Geneve). Ce concours a reuni une quinzaines des plus grands DJ's de toute la Suisse.Resident au Loft DJ Dia$ prepart actuellement une mixtape en collaboration avec DJ Panik "Latin Groove vol.1"...Preparez-vous!Steven Oteiza, Aka. DJ Dia$ was introduced to the public by his friend DJ Wata at the age of 15. He started his career beside DJ El Ni..o and because of his great musical ear and great techniques he was soon discovered and asked to mix at the largest Latino festival in the canton of vaud, Switzerland; the TROPICANA; which under one weekend unites MAD and Amnesia Club and a dozen other Latin bars in the area. After this, he started to mix at clubs such as TOO SEE Club in Fribourg and Bulle in Blobull. Later on, DJ Dia$ took the nightlife scene in Lausanne by storm, mixing at clubs like Amnesia, MAD, l’Atelier Volant, le Pacha, Cult Club (Explosion Latina with DJ Nelson) and he also mixed at several bars, such as Movida and Escobar and many many others. In 2004, DJ Dia$ decided to change musical direction and integrated a new beat into his concept…namely Hip-Hop, R’n’B, Dancehall and Reggaeton. He is very successful in these new styles and has mixed at several clubs throughout Switzerland. In May 2005, DJ Dia$ became the Swiss Latino DJ Champion (in Geneva). This competition reunites the best Swiss Latin DJs. DJ Dia$ is a resident DJ at LOFT Club, Lausanne and he is currently preparing a mixtape (“Latin Groove Vol.1â€) in collaboration with DJ Panik. Prepare Yourselves to be enchanted by the master!