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Da Prince

About Me

Da Prince(David-Prince Reedy) is a local gospel singer in Nashville,Tennessee.He was raised in Okinawa,Japan from a missionary family.He was taught at a young age about Jesus and now tells about him through his music.Since a very young age in the Zion Christian Fellowship Choir,he had a desire to sing praises for Jesus.This desire developed into a calling.But instead of waiting ,he got right to work. Upon his arrival to the United States at 14, he started to write gospel songs and record them. This resulted in his demo cd which consisted of 5 songs that he wrote.Now at 17,he has finished his demo and completed a full album.He continues to write songs,perform at churches,and he is currently tring to learn how to produce.He has successfullly organized his own album release party and many other shows. He has won awards in both songwriting and Poetry and he excels in academics.He is currently enrolled in Middle College High School and is a member of the National Honor Roll Society.He has recieved radio airplay in Jackson,Tn(88.1 fm)and in Nashville,Tn(880am).He is a young man with a bright future in the music business.If not in school, he is promoting his cd or performing at a local church.He spends countless hours reading the Bible,praying,and composing lyrics.He serves faithfully at Victory International Life Changing Minsitries and is an ordained minister.His future goals are to learn how to play the piano,organize a youth concert sponsored by several churches,establish his record label,and to be signed by a major recording company.His prayer is that he will continue to honor God,his parents,and for God to be glorified in his music and testimony.

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Member Since: 22/03/2007
Band Website: daprince.net
Influences:.. David Reedy

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Want Me For A Show?

If you would like to book me for an event, just go to daprince.net/bookingFill out the form and I'll get back with you as soon as possible.
Posted by on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 14:04:00 GMT

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If you support my ministry, I want you to join my e-mail list. By adding your e-mail to the list, you will be able to recieve updates updates from my ministry and always know what's going on with me. ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Sep 2009 09:42:00 GMT