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Aaron Stadon

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Member Since: 22/03/2007
Band Website: www.foxyproductions.co.uk/foxy/music/birdarchitect
Band Members: Aaron Standon - guitar and alto sax - “Aaron Standon’s Alto roars along distinctively… In a curious way, I was reminded of Bruce Turner’s way with phrasing in some of his solos”.“I would put him amongst the leaders” Avant Magazine.I have been lucky enough to have played with wonderful people - Derek Bailey once, Tony Bevin and Lol Coxhill once or twice. I play regularly with the Bird Architects and with Harry Fulcher as a part of the Conspiracy of Equals project, the CD is on Leo records.The trio Red Dispersion has been one of the most exciting collaborations so far and the CD reflects the intense joy and creativity of this groups music. Pete Bradt - double bass - Pete’s credentials are impeccable, he has played with anyone who is anyone on the Bristol Jazz scene including; Andy Shepherd, the Bristol jazz super group Steps and Keith Tippett. He has played and recorded all over the country most recently with Paul Dunmall. His past includes dance floor hits and a hit single. He has one of the most beautiful double bass sounds ever, one of the fastest musical minds and his bass playing transforms everything it touches. Steve Harris - drums - some years ago I first played spontaneous music and since then have been involved in a whole lot of contemporary music, perhaps most notably with jan kopinski and pinski zoo. it’s a great band to play in, it keeps evolving and it remains very special to me. it’s a cliché but it’s all to do with making connections with other people and with buried parts of yourself. as someone remarked the other night (not to me particularly) ‘everything is in front of you’. there’s brilliant music all around us right now and when you stop pretending you’re someone else tokyo starts to look like your favourite place and things really start to happen. who knows what’s in the future but for now I’m back doing what I enjoy the most: making new music with a bunch of fantastic people. it’s opened up limitless possibilities and it feels like coming home. Steve is the driving force behind Zaum . More info: www.steve-harris.info/ Zaum have CDs out on SLAM records, their ‘Above our Heads the Sky Splits Open’ made the Top Albums of the year lists. Their latest, recorded live at the Spitz club ‘The Little Flash of Letting Go’ is out now.
Sounds Like: Much of this music is Improvised but there is also a strong modern Jazz feel. The 'Conspiracy of Equals' seems to have a Jazz-funk edge. Keeping quite grounded as opposed to going for the more computer generated sound. The tracks on this album are all original, however, they could be compared to 'Polar Bear', and obviously 'The Bird Architects' another band that Aaron is involved in.
Record Label: Slam
Type of Label: Indie

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Review from Cadence

Red Dispersion received the following very nice review from Cadence; By contrast, the "Red Dispersion" disc brims with excitement. Billed on the Slam website as modern-day harmolodics, the music does ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 06:04:00 GMT