You Have A Type A- Personality
You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds
Do You Have a Type A Personality?
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"So my friend," imaginary, "looks like a mix between a coconut tree filled with orange soda and a shaved mosquitoe" or was it a guppy with an over bite and an anteater? (very big difference i might add) I can't remember cause there are so many (that, and i've never seen him/her, it seems more accurate. I still havent decided the gender) he's gonna be so mad that I forgot what he looks like (yeah, I decided, a guy. you know, to feed into my male ego), "said that I should," well, nobody actually heard him but me, so I dont know how well I can quote him on that, "say something stupid to you about nothing." Nothing being him cause he is imaginary. "So I did. Yeah Yeah."
if i could choose any pet to have it would be a sugar glider. they are look like a flying squirrel but smaller and with bigger eyes.
The giraffe i was with last night, and the sofa that stole my elephants shoestrings. oh yeah and the gingerbread man from shrek.
God, Jesus, da Holy Ghost, and my future wife. i want her to be so lost in God that the only way i can find her is to seek Him.
jazz, rap, r&B, Gospel
You've Got Mail,
Sleepless in Seattle,
City of Angels,
The Notebook,
The LakeHouse.
i had you going, but for real now.
V for Vendetta,
Simpons Movie,
Taledega Nights,
American Gangster,
Waist Deep,
The Illusionist,
Matrix Trilogy,
Saw Trilogy,
The Bourne Trilogy,
Pixar Movies,
Fake Horror Movies
God, Jesus, da Holy Ghost, and my Pops..