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About Me

ya i am 5.11 um 18 and .my screen name is killadanedanexx and i work and make mucho money kacey and josh are my best freinds. so fuck u all i can be a nice guy just dont piss me offcenter> You are 89% Emo
You are so Emo. You like Emo music, Emo styles, and you have an Emo personality. Could I say Emo more?
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Insane clown posse quiz, Juggalo or Poser?

Your a True Juggalo, Born With a hatchet and a juggalo face, Cruisin with A trunk full of faygo and a car full of fat chix, and haunted by a Dark Carnival, your hmies are family too, and you believe Santa Clause is a fat bitch. Hallowen is prolly ur favorite Holiday. if this is tru and ur a juggalette you should im me on .. IndependentJ0ker (with tha number zero) Much Clown love!
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ummmmm all red soxs players

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