For some people, the phrase "back to ground zero" means starting again with nothing. It is commonly associated with stripping away, with back to basics, with eliminating non-essentials.But for us, GrOuNd ZeRo has a deep spiritual and inspired meaning. When we speak of GrOuNd ZeRo, we're talking about starting all over again with God. For us it means getting rid of preconceived ideas, other people's opinions, and irrelevant religious images and discovering God one-on-one and the mission He has called us to pursue. By the time GrOuNd ZeRo is reached, it also means a promising new beginning individually and nationally.We are determined to find a way to communicate GrOuNd ZeRo, and all it offers, to those who want to know who God really is and their purpose in life.Welcome to GrOuNd ZeRo!