This profile was made at www.wonderbackgrounds.comA little about me...For starters I am in a wheelchair. I have Cerebral Palsy, and no it isn't a disease. Contrary to what most people believe about people in wheelchairs, I'm very intelligent and if anyone needs proof, I'll show my transcript and my GPA(how many can say that they were in the top 10% of their class and had a 3.85?). Also, I do have a sense of humor.
Some may wonder how I can type or how I survived school being wheelchairbound. The answer: I use my mouth, head and neck to do a lot of stuff like writing, drawing, typing, and of course eating. I'm a pretty good artist, a good poet and a friendly person...for the most part. Yes, I have my bad days too. I try to look on the good side. Some people feel sorry for me, but I look at the things I have. I have a lot going for me like my friends, my church, my art and my God. I like being with my friends, but I also like having some down time too. I guess one might say that I'm a thinker, and an observer. I have a lot of likes and a few dislikes. That's a little about me.
Playlist 1
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