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Look at the nice pictures, now read our fucking disorder lyrics..... "TODAYS WORLD".....vommitting green haired punx standing on the dole, no money no clothes no place left to go in the city or everywhere you go no bastard wants to know. CHORUS: todays world is now, punk is here today. if you don't like our way then fucking go away. everywhere we go they screw you up and down, they say "what a fucking state", they stand there and frown, they've got their money and they've got their lives, fuck off and let me lead mine. CHORUS:............................. they don't like the punx, that's what the bastards say, it's just cos we're a threat, a threat to society. we know we are, but who gives a fuck? I don't fucking care, we're all gonna get blown up. (lyrics by Steve Curtis, from "Complete Disorder E.P. 1981 disorder records) "INSANE YOUTH"-Old films old views, old problems, bad news, no answers, no luck, no bastard gives a fuck. No end to pissing rain, no sense in staying sane, no time to start a riot too busy on a diet. Don't be violent, don't be bored, don't look down to the floor, don't look down to the floor. (lyrics by Steve Curtis, from "complete disorder" E.P. 1981 disorder records) "COMPLETE DISORDER"-Wanna riot fucked up drunk complete disorder, pissed up drugged up fucked up stoned, complete disorder, disorder disorder, Vioplence aggro, hippies get stoned, complete disorder. Police cars stone them, police fight them, police order police order disorder. OOh aarrhh disorder, fuck off, bollox, chaos anarchy. (lyrics by steve curtis from "Compl;ete Disorder" E.P 1981-disorder records. "VIOLENT CRIME"-Violent crime violent crime violent crime violent crime Walk the streets at night, looking for a vicious fight, you'll get put in a cell one day and you'll regret that very day. Violent crime x4, Millwall take your end again, ripper strikes a fucking gain, it's all so fucking sickening and you're so fucking satisfied. Violent crime x 4. You're a violent criminal, go and face reality, you walk the streets at night, looking for some violent crime. violent crime, violent criminal, violent criminal. (lyrics by Steve Curtis, from "Complete Disorder" E.P 1981. Disorder records. "DAILY LIFE"-1,2,3,4 euurrgghh, daily life blurgh. I dont want a daily life, crazy fucked up daily life. Daily life is boring, daily life is crap, daily life I hate it daily life not that. Boring fucking daily life it drove me up the wall I don't want a daily life, it's just a fucking hole Crazy fucked up daily life it's gonna mess us up boring fucking daily life it's gonna screw us up. "MORE THAN FIGHTS"-You come to the gig and you have a fight, that's fine, until you're doing time. Anarchy means this, do what the fuck you like, if you want to fight then you got to fight. There must be more than fights. Bands don't like fighting, they tell us all to stop, we pay our money, the promotors call the cops at the end of the night, but still at the start they say "Don't do it", we're kept in the dark. We carry knives, they carry bombs on tanks, they say "don't do it it aint your game. This contry is violent from bottom to the top and everyone they should know, we really should stop. Lyrics by Steve Curtis, 1981 "distortion til deafness 7" e.p. disorder records. "YOU GOT TO BE SOME ONE" (lyrics by steve curtis, from "distortion til deafness" 7" e.p-disorder records 1981) Police protection-you know you got to fight them Criminals, deception-go and fucking join 'em. AAArrrgggh aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh aaaarrrrggggh. Mass unemployment-go and fucking join them. Working class-fucking let 'em. Working?-fucking let em. aaaarrrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh "STAGNATION"-lyrics by Worthington, 1982 "perdition" 12"-disorder records Call yourself an individual? I can't ever see. You're just like a boring student trying to preach to me. You talk of helping others, put out your friendly hand. Just get the nuclear armaments out of this land. Oh yes we all are rebels, idealist anarchists. We say we'll have a revolution when we all get pissed So use your stagnant minds, it might not take long to find. Conformity never works, you are so pathetic and blind. Walk into a record shop to buy yourself some anarchy. 45 revolutions, which one is victory? "REMEMBRANCE DAY" lyrics by phil lovering(taf), from "Perdition"-12"e.p. 1982-disorder records. There they go it's poppy day, polished medals on display. Memories best forgot,dismembered bodies slowly rot. Rat eats human in the trench, dec aying flesh a sickly stench. There no use kneeling down in prayer, no one listens, no one cares. Obeying orders you're a pawn, never question no one dares. The ruling classes are allright, politicians never fight. They use our money and our heads, we die in pain, they die in bed. The ageing hero on TV describing scenes that sicken me. So there they go it's poppy day, disabled heroes on display, pathetic lumps of crippled meat, they still hear bombs when they're asleep. "LIFE" 1082, perdition 12" e.p. (disorder records) lyrics by neil worthington. Lifes a bore but you have to live it havent got much but you got to give it Lifes a lung and you're the cancer Lots of questions never an answer LIFE LIFE LIFE LIFE. "OUT OF ORDER" lyrics by steve curtis, steve allen, 1981 complete disorder e.p (disorder records) You youre out of order, you youre fucked up, you youre out of order you youre drugged up. out of order its the way to be, out of order just like me, out of order nothing to do, out of order dye your hair blue. You youre out of order you youre fucked up you youre out of order you youre drugged up, out of order to be a punk, out of order you must get drunk, out of order all you do is fuck, out of order so go out and ruck, out of order to turn them bad out of order what have you had? out of order its up to you, out of order sniff some glue. you youre out of order, you youre messed up, you you smell like fuck. "PREACHERS" lyrics by Worthington, 1982 "PERDITION" 12" ep. disorder records.-You call yourself a human being it makes me fucking ill. Supporting political movements and you preach them still. And your propaganda I don't want a look, I didn't inherit the hate in me from a fucking book. Anarchy ain't a fashion that you turn to overnight. It's the last possibility to put the mistakes right. And you propaganda I don't want a look, I didn't inherit the hate in me from a fucking book. In hoping for solutions I am left behind because I've got no faith left in mankind. "SUICIDE CHILDREN"-lyrics by Worthington, 1982 "PERDITION" 12" ep, disorder records. Live to work and hope to die, they don't like you and you don't know why, they call you a dropout which ain't really fair, you can't get a job and you don't really care. Hope to die and probably will, people give you bullshit but you do it still, people are shocked when you take an O.D, they say "it's the easy way out". At school they were dropouts cos they didn't reach the top, didn't have a chance now it's got to stop, they didn't want to be special, didn't want to fight, they couldn't take the strain so they took their lives. Why did it happen? Why weren't they content? Their life was good but now it is spent, should have had a fair chance, should have had a start, they should have seen the light but now there is dark. "CONDEMNED"-lyrics by Worthington, 1982 "perdition" 12" ep, disorder records. Condemned at birth when they give you a slap, their going to steal your mind, and there's no worse crime than that. Condemned at birth, you might as well cry because you're going to be condemned until the day that you die. Condemned to school, you don't like that but there's worse to come. Condemned to work and you can't stand that, so you're on the dole because you got the sack. Condemned to boredom, worse than before, no money so you steal and you're messing with the law. Copndemned to the cells where you learn how to hate, they stamp on your pride, you tried to fight the state. Condemned to be sent down, or learn how to settle down. They don't care, it's going to hurt, dragging your pride through the fucking dirt. Condemned to have kids, you might even own a mortgage. But you struggle on in vein, then experience the same pain. CONDEMNED. "MEDIA"-lyrics by Worthington, 1982 "perdition 12" ep. disorder records. I'm so bored with lifes old cliche I'm so bored with force fed press. Don't think it will ever change. Praise, single out, oppress. You stand things up, then you knock em down, You get the upper hand, then you put us down. You say we're still divided in our point of view so fucking slag us all off then start on something new. "RAMPTON SONG"-lyrics by TAF and BOOBS, 1983 "mental disorder" 7" ep. disorder records. We're all mad we're all insane, we've only got half a brain. aaaggghhh aaaggghhh aaaggghhh rampton. The doctor said I'm very ill, he gave me gaily coloured pills. aaarrrggghhh aarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh rampton. Then I started to complain, so they fiddled about with my brain. AAARRRGGGHHH AAARRRGGGHHH AAARRRGGGHHH RAMPTON They said I wasn't very well, put me in a padded cell. AAARRRGGGHHH AAARRRGGGHHH AAARRRGGGHHH rampton. I hit my doctor with a hatchet, now I've got vthis special jacket. aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh rampton. They said it would be best for me, they gave me neurosurgery. aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh aaarrrggghhh rampton. "PROVOCATED WAR"-lyrics by Boobs and TAF, 1983 "mental disorder" 7" ep. From the depths of the earth the system is never going to work. Nuclear bombs in the sky, the provocators are making us die. As the h bomb passes by, government policies frighten I. Do away with nuclear bombs and let us live at least another hour. Ban the system throw it out, ban society it's a sickening joke. The government sat there on there arse ramming bullshit down our throats. There ain't gonna be no peace, and we know that thats the truth. The government we must avoid, the bombs in this country will make life a void.object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" height="344" width="425">http://www.scraprecords.com/

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Member Since: 22/03/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: TAF, bass guitar/vocals.

BEN (filthy animal wigley) -Drums.

NICK - guitar/backing vocals

Influences: hardcore punk
Sounds Like: hard core fucking noise for fucks sake
Record Label: Anagram/Captain oi/HG FACT (japan)/COUNTERACT(Fran
Type of Label: Unsigned

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fuck off xmas
Posted by on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:52:00 GMT