___________________:: NEXT SHOW INFO :: ______________________________________:: NEWS ::/ 3rd sept 2008 /I got a simple answer for your often asked question: "when will be the next gig?". This time I work hard for my first album. That means the songs have to be written, the concept has to be created and all the ideas about it have to be putten together. Just like artists often say: There..s always a special time for that, nothing just comes easily. But sure, I..m on a good way. And away from that, I will show up here and then again even if there are less concerts at the moment. Get informed about appearances in the "next show" section on myspace and if we can..t get in touch next time, then feel free to say hi and send a message. I always try to answer every letter that reaches me.So stay true and take care! Dan___________________Als langjähriger Solokünstler gilt der junge Singer und Songwriter in Darmstadt und Umgebung schon lange Zeit nicht mehr als unbemerkt. Seit nun mehr 13 Jahren betritt der 25 jährige Dan Dietrich die Bühnen und begeistert sein Publikum mit Akustikgitarre und ausdrucksvollem Gesang. Ob Jung oder Alt - Freunde der handgemachten, ehrlichen Musik kommen gänzlich auf ihre Kosten und erleben den Alleinunterhalter mit sanftmütigem Charisma durchaus gut gelaunt und „Live In Person“. Eigene Kompositionen sowie Coversongs der 60er und 70er Jahre sind Bestandteil seines Solo-Repertoires. Seine Musik reicht von Balladen über Blues und Folk bis hin zum Soul - geprägtem Stück. Für jeden Event stellt er ein individuelles Programm zusammen, das den gemütlichen oder auch stimmungsvollen Abend untermalt und unterhaltsame Atmosphäre schafft.____________________________________________________ ____________As a long time solo-artist, the young singer and songwriter Dan Dietrich is not reckoned as unnoticed in Darmstadt and surroundings. Since about thirteen years, the 25 year old musician enters the stages and inspires his audience with acoustic guitar and expressive singing. No matter if young or old – friends of handmade and honest music entirely get their expectations worth and experience the solo entertainer with gentle charism, “live in person†and in a quite good temper. Own compositions as well as coversongs of the sixties and seventies are part of his huge repertoire. His music ranges from ballads to Blues and Folk even up to soul-stamped compositions. For every single event he arranges an individual program which joyfully emphasise the atmosphere of the evening and creates a convenient ambience among the guests. :: That One Day :: Kulturcafé Mainz :: Copyright 2008 Eva Freieck:: Walls :: Kulturcafé Mainz :: Copyright 2008 Eva Freieck:: My Back Pages :: Kulturcafé Mainz :: Copyright 2008 Eva Freieck