If you haven’t figured out yet this really is not Jacob Harrison’s MY SPACE . Now that we are all on the same page I would like to tell you why this my space page was started. This is a my space page dedicated to all the people that Jacob Harrison believes to be his friend or friends (either way he has none). Well let’s put Jacob out there for who he really is…. Jacob may remind you of a mutt at the SPCA. How so you ask. As you’re walking past the 4x4 cells they keep these mutts in you notice one (an extremely ugly one) and in your heart of hearts you know this mange mutt will never get adopted and soon it will be put down by lethal ejection, because after all it is a waste of space. You feel bad for this mutt so you take it home for a day, you then realize this dog will never be more than a mutt and you have no use for it. This is Jacob Harrison please allow me to elaborate. We have all tried to befriend Jacob Harrison after a day or so we realize we don’t like him, he says words that are in no dictionary in the World in any language. We never know whom he will be like.. Will he be like Sabir Bacon today and wear all Jordan clothes? Will he be like Jesse Ogarcak? Will he be like George? Who Knows? One thing we can bank on if you had a $1000.00 fine to pay and you only had $999.00 and you had to pay the full price or you would go to jail he wouldn’t give you the dollar to pay it. Jacob all that I am asking is that you would take all the money you say you have stop with the fish business and get a nose job, maybe then we would like you… More will be added to this site later of course at Jacobs’s expense. Please feel free share with all of us how you fell about Jacob the Jew Harrison….