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It is quite difficult to write about yourself. So I asked some friends if they could write little sentences about me. And here's with what they came up.
Tina (aka Innocent Angel), Marc, Martina, Thank you for writing it for me. I love you.
...loves teashops, especially when they have Easter tea, she buys
tons of it to last for one year *gg
...hates to make decisions, especially in terms of clothes and wrestlers
...doesn’t like high heels if she has to walk long distances
...loves maths and English
...hates alcohol and cigarettes, I heard she got lost after one drink
...has an inflatable bed for any case
...loves to surprise her friends
...belongs to the three innocent angels
...favorite wrestler is…shall I really name all these guys
...hates liars
...loves people with edges and own opinions twenty-four hours available for her friends
...buys nothing which is on her shopping-list
...loves to barbecue
...hates deep-fried food
...can faint on command
...likes vampires
...loves Canada
...doesn’t need socks in bed
...packs for one night things you don’t need for one week
...loves romantic dinners with good conversations
...has an unchangeable character
...hates spiders, but doesn't allow you to kill them
...spent hours standing on a chair, because of a scorpion in her Mexican room a thought-reader
...has lots of telepathy with Innocent Angel a person you can always laugh with just have to like her
...she listens to your problems and tries to solve them
...nothing is too much for her.
...her middle names are honesty and loyalty.
...hates getting up early.
...would walk into hell and back for people she loves and trusts.
...hates lectures that start at 8 am.
...gets scared when her sleep-walking flatmate wakes her up at 4 am.
...saint? Whore? Both of it?
...hates being in traffic jams.
...loves archery. a freak: she loves mathematics
...likes dogs better than cats.
...prefers big dogs to small ones.
...hates dirty bathrooms.
...goes into one shop to buy one umbrella, comes out with two new hand bags, a purse and shirts for her sister and no umbrella.
...sometimes gets lost.
...can be a spoiled little princess.
...adores her little sister.
...can be bitchy, but hates it.
...loves dkny watches
...loves jokes about blondes to be a “sweet little innocent angelâ€