About Me
NEWS! 12.1.2008
About Agradecimiento:
"Banalisoituminen, jota spektaakkelin säkenöivien viihdykkeiden alla hallitsee nyky-yhteiskuntaa kaikkialla maailmassa, hallitsee myös kaikkia niitä paikkoja, joissa hyödykkeiden kehittynyt kulutus on näennäisesti monipuolistanut roolien ja esineiden valikoimaa. Uskonnon ja perheen - joiden muodossa luokkavallan perintö pääosin jatkaa olemassaoloaan - jäänteet voivat sulautua takaamansa moraalisen sorron kanssa tästä maailmasta saatavan nautinnon turhanpäiväiseen kannatukseen - tämän maailman ollessa pelkkää sortoa näennäisnautinnon hahmossa. Olemassa olevan korskea hyväksyminen voi myös sulautua puhtaan spektakulaariseen kapinaan; tämä kuvastaa yksinkertaista tosiseikkaa, että tyytymättömyydestä itsestään tuli tavara niin pian kuin taloudellinen yltäkylläisyys pystyi laajentamaan tuotannon tällaisen raaka-aineen käsittelemiseen."
The long-awaited debut album 'LETARGINEN DYSTOPIA' is finally in circulation through Bemböle Cassettes.
NEWS! 26.9.2007
Until the next "super comp" from Bemböle Cassettes
comes along, the "VELOCITOR Cassette" holds the title
for top-of-the-heap in speed delivery.
It's overly destructive on squirrels intended for the pot,
but it's really great for anchoring rabbits.
We shot a bunch of grape fruit & Ponderosa lemons (the target of the Gods).
There was a noticeable difference in the "wound channels" when compared
to regular high velocity musicassettes.
It may not be the most accurate musicassette of all but it is
plenty accurate for all listening situations and has considerably
better terminal performance than most musicassettes. It will quickly
dispatch small game if the tape is well placed.
We have tested it on gelatin jugs and it will perform explosively
on the first jug - trespass the second jug with deep wound track
and stop in the third with about 0.35 inch mushroom and 90%-95% weight
retention, 22 out of 22 tracks performed like this.
We have also shot beer cans thru 3/4 inch pine fence board with
explosive results. This in turn opens up the sounds as never before,
resulting in a natural and realistic musical presentation.
The grit, grain and glare disappear
and harmonics hang in the air.
The "VELOCITOR Cassette" is compiled for the best sound possible with familiar artists from our previous compilations and new and exciting discoveries: Skeletoni, annikasäde, Neljäkakkonen, Amigo Result,
Dj Ex-bodari, Fistfuck, Julkinen Salaisuus, Mushimonument,
Sexy JEKS, Sabian, Kanttoripoika, Krax Orchestra, Tomi Pulkkinen,
Deva Planeta, Bontempo, KOELSE, Kansan Tapsa Armageddon,
Rokkiryhmä, Pertsa & Tapsa ft. Fredi, Beddy Room,
Uudet pihasoittajat, NicknameAndTheBadSpeed.
The combined efforts of Bemböle Cassettes and Composers Dearest Records
bring you "Letku Trax".
"Letku Trax" is super-humming sounds
from the man behind such Bemböle artists
as Yritän!, Lisää and NickNameAndTheBadSpeed.
Above you can listen to a track from the tape.
NEWS! 13.4.2007
It's the jazz my man!
"Jatsimatsi", the latest release from Bemböle Cassettes,
explores the bizarro world of jazz.
Artists on this compilation:
Vapaa, Kutomo, Bürger Ginge, Kanttoripoika,
Tomi Pulkkinen, Thymox Stories,
Mushi, Yritän!, Fistfuck, Neljäkakkonen,
Anna Kallio ja Amigo Result,
Deva Planeta, Lisää, Krax Orchestra, Chicago Of The Tiramisu Hand.
You can listen to the potpourri above.
"Puistokiitäjäinen(Carabus Hortensis)"
is an exclusive collection of some of the very finest
and most pretty instrumental music ever composed.
Artists featured on this tape:
Parta & Viikset, Amigo Result, Adolf Hiller,
Kanttoripoika, Neljäkakkonen, Krax Orchestra,
Monuments In The Horizon, Stories, Esko MRK,
Jump P.A. And The Guitar That Wasn't Mine,
Tomi Pulkkinen, Jan-Erik And His Band Of Banjos.
"Puistokiitäjäinen" is an unexcelled musical mirage,
an entrancing focus of exquisite sounds.
Witness as weirdness ripples through your imagination,
fascinating your senses.
Superbly performed, this highly acclaimed music
will haunt you forever in your dreams.
Contact us by sending e-mail to:
bembolecassettes (a t) gmail.com
Bemböle Cassettes was established to research into
and produce a range of outstanding recordings for well being and enjoyment.
Now the largest producer of "Bemböle" music in the world,
Bemböle Cassettes' reputation
and commitment guarantee you an unforgetable experience.