eRLiEn profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi...everybody...I'm HEre..I Am MySeLf...i LoVe BeIng For wHO I aM... i love my frens... they are the pple wHoM I treasured tHe MosT… I aM a PerSon wHo pUts fRIenDsHip first ThEn aNi OtheR tHinGs… tHougH I maY nOt bE a VeRi gOod gAl fRen… bUt I cAn bE a VeRi gOoDiE fReN… I HaTe PplE wHo backstab Me… I BeLieVe TaT eVeryOnE hate bAcKstabbeRs tOo… I believe tAt iTs EaSy iS tO gEt a PlAcE Is SoMeOnE's AdDrEsS bOoK, BuT DiFfIcUlT iS To gEt A pLaCe iN sOmEoNe'S hEaRt…iTs EaSy tO jUdGe tHe MiStAkEs oF oThErS BuT DiFfIcUlT tO rEcOgNiZe oUr OwN miStaKeS… ItS EaSy tO tAlK wItHoUt tHiNkInG BuT DiFfIcUlT To rEfRaIn tHe ToNgUe…

My Interests

i LIKe to Chatting, sMs, listeNing To Music Etc..

I'd like to meet:


GREEN DAY, sIMple plan, muse, my chemical romance, the cranberris,kD, anggun , NIDJI, dido, eminem, ratu,Jet,padi,LP, ColdPlay, n many more,,,,,,


NeVer BeeN Kissed, PaRis Je T'aiMe, ReapiNg, v for vendetta, a walk to remember, a love to kill, the beauty and the beast, detective conan, korean drama's..


GP..ExtraVaganzA, 4 mata, premier leg.. cHAMPIONS leg.. japaNese n Korean Drama's


the da vinci code,,,La Tahzan..KalanGwan,,Bride n PreJudice..detecTIVE cONAn..


My PaRents