update. Considerably more boring now than I used to be. I love my wonderful boyfriend...he's the only one who pays attention to me when I'm sick. I love my friends who have been through it all with me! Though we may weave in and out of eachothers lives, the true depths of our friendship will never change. I know that the minute I pick up the phone and hear your voices. When I'm in a bind I just think W.W.J.D? (what would James, Jenn or Jason do). Former fag hag & SF club trash - will never let those memories go. Still love the music, and an occassional romp in SF to watch the crazies. I love sports Oakland through and through. I love people who don't have to get dazzled up to go to a bar and aren't afraid to srike up a conversation with a perfect stranger. I hate girly girls and guys who take longer to get ready than me, aka Bro's. I love good booze and great food, and the people who share it with me.My Beautiful Sisters!Good Genes in this niece Savannah! flowers layout @ HOT