scuba diving, marine biology, art, photography,
God!! does he really exist i want proof!
Insanity Test
Your problem is Obsessive Compulsive behaviour
Will you ever be cured? (8) - It is certain. - (8)
Just how crazy are you? - 71%
This quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 909539 Times.
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All types of music sept for cheesy pop stuff!! to many to list name n that so i wont america, road trip, kung pow, something bout mary, white chicks the list goes on.. ne thing thatl mek me larf!! i like some action n horror movies to. hate soppy romance ones though!!
dont watch that much...maybe a bit of arthur! hollyoaks for wen im not up 2 much normally music channels
What do you dream about?
Zodiac Sign:
Fav. Color Combo:
Your dreams generally include: Fields and meadows
Approximate number of monthly nightmares: 70
The worst monster you've seen in a dream: ..
Your dreams are usually surreal
Percentage of dreams involving sex - 28%
Will your dreams ever come true? (8) - You may rely on it. - (8)
This Quiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 1080754 Times.
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