Member Since: 21/03/2007
Band Website: work in progress check back another time
Band Members: me myself and I along with some surprise guests ;-)
Influences: Radio wise well, naturally John Peel, what a man, and so very missed (R.I.P)Must also say Jon Kirkman has been a big influence (and mentor!) through the years This guy is not only a great radio presenter he is also a Walking Fountain of Music Knowledge , so do check out his wonderful website at (I do at times also contribute interviews/write-ups for it )Music wise well heck this will take me a LONG time, as there is so much music I love, ranging from classical right through to metal so expect some surprises, and a fuller list at some point but for now, in no particular order and by no means limited to: INXS - Steriogram -ACDC - Big Country - Hazel O'Connor - Gary Moore - Glenn Tilbrook -Squeeze - Rob Reynolds - Lach - Whitesnake - Rainbow - Beastie Boys -Waking The Witch - Marilyn Monroe (yes she could sing! ) Stevie Nicks - Bad Company - Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Die Toten Hosen - Bell Book & Candle - Nena (fyi she had plenty more hits other than 99 Luftballoon ) Doro- Heart- Pur -The Levellers - Carly Binding-Augustino-Dave Dobbyn - Ardijah -Haven- Lord Bishop Rocks - Messenger - Gun - James Brown - James Blunt- Editors-JJ Gilmour - Cooper Temple Clause- Split Enz-Noiseworks-Crowded House-Bon Jovi- Deep Purple -Magnum-Metallica -- Jordan Luck ( Dance Exponents -victorrrrrrriaa!!) and more to come
Sounds Like: multi accents from living around the world..keeps people guessing!im the girl of 100 voices..from a breathless Monroe or a 'totally' twangy Valley Girl to an angelic antipodean, fraulein frolics, or a plummy posh bbc babe;-)You can hear some idents & onair spoofs here, I will get around to adding some of the 'serious shows and interviews etc one of these days when I am not overseas (so please stop the nagging emails!)Finally, seems I have been the only person to ever do Aerobics live on radio from a studio roof, good thing it didn't sound like vertigo!!
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie