Antemortem profile picture


About Me

Antemortem was born in 2004 as a Slayer/Metallica cover band. The lineup then was:
Brice Wilson - Rhythm Guitar
Nick Alumbaugh - Lead Guitar
Cruz Romero - Bass Guitar
Sam Gatz - Drums
Kyle Allen - Vocals
This lineup never shared a stage together, however. The band, under this name, played two shows during high school, at school-funded events. The first show lineup had Brice out, Nick switched to rhythm guitar, Michael Murphy on lead guitar, and Josh Parmely singing. This happened because of some inner conflict with the band. The second year, the lineup was:
Brice Wilson - Guitar/Vocals
Nick Alumbaugh - Bass Guitar
Michal Murphy - Lead Guitar/Vocals
Sam Gatz - Drums
After their senior year event, the group was disbanded, and Brice went on to keep the name to start his own band that reflected his Christian views. He went first to long-time friend Jeremy Huebert, who played bass with Brice in their church's praise band. As of April 2006, it was just the two of them. After several tryouts with vocalists, drummers and guitarists, the group was formed in October of the same year as:
Brice Wilson - Guitar/Vocals
Jeremy Huebert - Bass Guitar
Donnie Thomas - Lead Vocals
Nathan Thompson - Lead Guitar
This lineup started playing shows without the luxury of a human drummer in December of 2006. In March of 2007, Brian Kelsheimer was added to the keyboard position. The group had been looking feverishly for a drummer since its existence in April 2006, but had no luck.
Donnie quit the band in January 2008, and re-entered in June of the same year. Nathan was let go in September 2008, and was quickly replaced with Alex Monroe. Alex has proven to be an exceptional talent on the guitar, and the group is lucky to have him aboard.
There is a vacant spot once again in the drummer position. Josh Longoria is no longer our drummer, as he has some personal issues that will take much time to attend to.
We have shared the stage with these bands
Beyond Immortality
Rival Element
Dirtfedd(Sopra Evil/Koch Records)
For Today(Facedown Records)
Red Lock Tragedy
Smoke Whiskey
Twisted Mentality
In Your Dying Days
Let Fly the Falcon
Portrait of Malice
The Axe That Chopped the Cherry Tree
The Chain Gang of 1974
Liquid Aggression
One Dead Three Wounded
At All Cost(Century Media)
Common Yet Forbidden(Bombworks Records)
Destroy the Runner(Solid State Records)
Watching the Coroner
Confined in Flesh
Five-Star Disaster
Berlin Drop
Deconstruct(Apocalypse Records)
Thalia Massacre
Effigy of Thought
Love as Scarlet
True Illusion
Project Zero
My Children My Bride(Solid State Records)
Oh Sleeper(Solid State Records)
Catherine(RISE Records)
Every Bridge Has Burned
Table for Twelve
Stars Go Cold
Flatline(Stand & Deliver Records)
A Different Breed of Killer(Victory Records)
Becoming the Archetype(Solid State Records)
Years of Life Lost
Red Letter Revenge
...And Attack!
Death From Exile
Doubting Thomas
The Writing Of

My Interests


Member Since: 21/03/2007
Band Members: Brice Wilson - guitars, vocals, drums
Type of Label: Unsigned

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