A segment from Irish filmmaker Bob Quinn's four-part documentary on the maritime heritage of Western Ireland and it's links to North Africa. This scene includes examples of Conamara dancing, called "Battering", and it's relation to Flamenco.Another segment from Irish filmmaker Bob Quinn's four-part documentary on the maritime heritage of Western Ireland and it's links to North Africa. This scene includes examples of Berber music and dancing, it's relation to Flamenco, and it's possible cultural migration to IrelandAnother segment from Irish filmmaker Bob Quinn's four-part documentary on the maritime heritage of Western Ireland and it's links to North Africa. This scene demonstrates archeological evidence from ancient tombs in Morocco, Britanny and Ireland, strengthening the argument for a historically neglected sea-going Atlantic culture.Another segment from Irish filmmaker Bob Quinn's four-part documentary on the maritime heritage of Western Ireland and it's links to North Africa. This scene includes an example of Sean-Nos singing from the Aran Islands, and possible Moroccan and Breton counterparts.http://www.conamara.org/filmmography.htm
Fomorians, Nizari Ismailis, Fir Bolg, Members of the Moorish Empire, St. Patrick with a fools cross & snakes in his pockets, Appalachian Drop-Outs, Hyperboreans, Grand Lodge Misfits, 5-Pointers, Thuggees, "The Meanest Sort", Damballists, Tuatha Dé Danann, Nagas, Gnostics, Sufis, the so-called "Black Irish", Tri-Racial Isolates, Melungeons, Moorish Corsairs & European Renegadoes, The Liberi, Lewd Priests, Tong Members, Bean SÃ, Outcasts, Ecstatics and Lovers..
Whatever comes out of my saw & bow.
How the Irish Invented Slang: The Secret Language of the Crossroads by Daniel Cassidy. Stunning and subversive!