..I am a page dedicated to the idea that Eddie Izzard become the next US President. What the free world needs is someone at the helm who is smart, funny, relaxed, and groovy. His background of experience as passive researcher, executive transvestite, film and television star, stand-up comedian, and all-around photogenic talking head gives him all the traits needed to become a powerful world leader. Consider writing Eddie Izzard in the next time you vote for any office. If people can talk about an Austrian with nearly no political experience as seriously being our next fearless leader, why not Eddie? Vote Eddie Izzard for President.
PLEASE NOTE - posted comments with pictures or movies or whatnot will not last long. Fake comments containing advertisements are just sad. Those who leave them will be condemned forever to a room with a view of hell. Perhaps with a Staircase of Satan and Pond of Death. As a web page I try not to discriminate against those with slow connections. That is all. Continue your browsing or surfing or what have you...