Frosted Onion profile picture

Frosted Onion

I am here for Friends

About Me

The lazy ones always let the surveys do the work xD
Random Questions Your Friends Need To Know:
1. Do you have any pets? Not at the moment
2. Do you believe in karma? No
3. Any tattoos are piercing? Nay
4. Who do you know tells the best jokes? My younger cousin
5. Have you ever given money to a bum? Propably my grandpartent's money when I was six or younger
6. In your opinion, what has been the best invention? Gutenberg's letterpress
7. What is the dumbest invention? ...atomic bomb..?
8. Is your room messy? Not the room, just the closet within xD
9. What is the worst injury you ever had? Badly bruised legs? Cuts? Scratches? Kid-injuries...
10. What movie do you know all the lines to? ummm... none...?
11. What is the last movie you saw? The good sheperd
12. How many times a month do you go to the movies? less than once
13. What is your favorite animal? Penguin
14. What color are your bed sheets? White
15. Is your hair naturally straight or curly? stick-straight and completely uncurlable
16. What is the video game that you kick ass at? Propably a puzzle game like Bejeweled or Tetris xD
17. If you could punch one person who would it be? I try to stay non-violent... Really! And I *mostly* succeed
18. Do you watch cartoons? If there is a certain amount of intelligence involved - SpongeBob no thanks
19. Do you like Starbucks—or do you think it's just overpriced? Prefer other coffee places that do not stress the caffeine-loaded-goodness in 7/8 of their drinks
20. What is your favorite smell? Food I like - not further specified
21. Favorite Batman? ...costume? The ones without the extra-plastic nipples.
22. What would you do if a random person offered you candy? Depends on the kind of candy. Licorice, peppermint - give it to me!!!
23. Are you for capital punishment? No, let them rot in their own dirt... Far more cruel.
24. Do you swear? Hell yes!
25. Do you believe in the supernatural? Not really...
26. Do you like to drive fast? Sometimes - but I get uncomfortable above 80mph
27. Have you ever had braces? Wore them years and years
28. Favorite Ninja Turtle? Donatello? Or Raphael?
29. Have you ever eaten spam? Jip, frequently when I was young
30. Do you own a pair of big sunglasses? No
31. What is one thing you actually remember from kindergarten? ...nothing I guess - only things from when my sister was in kindergarten
32. Have the cops ever taken you home? Nay
33. Have you ever hit a deer? Nope
34. Have you ever gone to class drunk? Neither that
35. What color is your room? um... white
36. Are you taller than your mom? Yup
37. Beer or liquor? None... but if I had to drink I'd go for irish beer
38. What would you do if a leprechaun jumped out of the bushes and took your wallet? Try to track him down - so that's where they get the gold for the pots from!!
39. What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? Gold
40. What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Corolla
41. What kind of cell phone do you have? ...?
42. Is their any animal that creeps you out? None that I met up to now
43. Do you own an iPod? How many songs are on it? 933
44. Ever been in a car accident? Got hit by one once
45. Would you be a ninja or a pirate Pirate
46. What is your most overused word/statement? Juchee!
47. What is the funniest word you have ever heard? Vegechicken? Or Tofurkey?
48. Do you hate it when people call you ‘dear’? Oh. Yes.
49. What cartoon character are you most like? You tell me!
50. Can you drive a stick? I drove one until 2 months ago. MySpace Comments MySpace Editor MySpace Icons Contact MySpace Table MySpace Layouts

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What Your Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich Means
Your eating style is gluttonous. If you like something, you're going back for seconds... no matter how full you are!
You have an average sweet tooth. While you enjoy desserts, they aren't exactly your downfall.
Your taste in food tends to be pretty flexible. You may crave sushi one night, and your favorite childhood recipe the next.
You belong to a class that's all your own. You resist rules and traditions of any sort.
You are a tough person who isn't afraid to live life fully. There isn't a lot that scares you.
Precise and controlled, you can be a bit anal retentive when it comes to how you like things. You're definitely a perfectionist. What Does Your Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Say About You?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!

- someone who can explain why we are here
- people from all over the world
- the cookie monster
- people from my area
- people who don't mind an intelligent talk from time to time - but who can also simply go nuts the next second

My Blog

Tag, you’re it!

..>  Tag You're it! tag! you're it! Here's how you play. Once you've been tag...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 21:17:00 GMT


You oppened it!If you don't repost with the color that explains you,your mom will die tonight at2:27 AM."W"H"I"T"E""I really don't give a SI"B"L"A"...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 20:28:00 GMT