getting drunk on water
lacanian moebiusand the return of the oppressed
chuang tzu, michael hemmingson, kathy acker, gilles deleuze, slavoj zizek, pauline reage, henri bergson, phillip k dick, julia kristeva, miguel de cervantes, kate mary fallon, margaret atwood, graham harrow, emily bronte, gabriel garcia marquez, herman melville, cornelius castoriadis, charles bukowski, paul auster, henry miller, anais nin, immanuel wallerstien, david markson, hilary putnam, patanjali, chuck palahniuk, elizabeth grosz, joan copjec, marguirete duras, friedrick nietzsche, manuel delanda, michel foucault, narajuna, martin heidegger, ben marcus, felix guattari, w j t mitchell, jacques lyotard, marquis de sade, mahabrarata, pierre klowosski, georges batallie, antonion artaud, arthur schopenhaur, lao tzu, kurt vonnegut, hui neng, ernest becker, alain badiou, soren kierkegaard, lieh tzu, mitch collins, soren kierkegaard, master lin-chi, spinoza, jean luc-nancy, hegel, lao tzu, immanuel kant, georg wilhem fredrich hegel
franz kafka, samuel beckett and janis joplin
charlie from "perks of being a wallflower"
don't forget lenny bruce (who is not afraid) and his mother sally marr