God, Family, Education, MONEY
Glitter Graphics
Myspace Layouts
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
Glitter Graphics - GlitterLive.com
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
I would like meet Chris Brown,Ciara, Beyonce'and Alicia Keys,Tyra Banks,and Lil Wayne
MySpace Glitter Graphics
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
All of the good ones:)
MySpace Glitter Graphics
Sex in the City, South Park, And all the other good ones
MySpace Glitter Graphics
Glitter Graphics - GlitterLive.com
None yet but I'm gone work on that... LOL :)
The Lord, My parents, My Bestfirend(Gabby), All of my Family, All of my supporters :)..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
*[EvErYtHiNg] A b O u T [mE]*
*[T h E b A s i C s]*
First Name?: sasha
Middle Name?: T M I
Like your name?: love it
Named after Anyone?: no
Nicknames?: sha
Natural Hair Color?: black
Eye Color?: dark brown
Birthdate?: T M I
Birthplace?: da-ville
Contacts/Glasses?: no
Lifelong Goal?: To be a great woman of power, Have a gang of respect, A loving family
School?: T M I
Grade?: Senior
Shoe Size?: 7
*[F a V o R i T e S]*
Color?: PINK
Food?: Whatever taste good 2 me
Animal?: cats
Word?: child boo
Letter of the Alphabet?: iono
Song?: lots
Flavor of Pie?:
Flavor of Cake?:
TV Show?: Sex an tha City , ANTM
Season?: summer
Day of the Week?: friday
Shoe Brand?:
Fruit?: grapes watermelon
Pizza Topping?:
Ice Cream Flavor?: iono
Radio Station?:
*[i N y O u R r O o M]*
Own phone line?:
TV?: yeah
DVD Player?: thats a dumb ques
Video Game Console?:
Color of Furniture?:
Color of Walls?: white
*[f A m I l Y]*
Mom?: Yes
Dad?: Ya
Are they still together?: yes
Sister[s]?: 1
Brother[s]?: 3
Brother[s] in law?:
Sister[s] in law?:
Neice[s]?: 1
Nephew[s]?: 1
Favorite Relative?:
Who knows you best?:
Who gives best Christmas presents?:
*[f R i E n D s]*
Best?: Gab
Funniest?: Me
Smartest?: Gina, Gab
Prettiest?: All us
Loudest?: Tie
Craziest?: ME
Most Shy?: me
Diziest?: wha
Most Athletic?: ME no questions
Most Opinionated?: GAb
To be successful?: We all r going 2 b successful
To be famous?: who knows
Best parents?: all us
Best car?: iono
*[t H i S o R t H a T]*
Rain or Sun?: Sun
Digital Camera or Film Camera?: Digital
Truth or Dare?: Truth
McDonalds or Burger King?: Mcdonalds fo show
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
Desktop Computer or Laptop?: Laptop
Black or White?: White cause they no u clean
Reading books or reading magazines?: iono
Sunlight or Artificial light?: sun
Day or Night?: night
Yahoo or MSN?: yahoo
Cherries or Strawberries?: strawberries
Florida or California?: florida
Sweater or Hoodie?: hoodie
Pen or Pencil?: pen
Halloween or Christmas?: christmas
Rock or Rap?: rap
Sing or Dance?: both
Bowling or Golf?: iono
TV show or Movie?: movie
Gel or Hairspray?: HAIRspray
Blonde or Brunette?: neither
*[l A s T]*
Person you hugged?: Mommy
Person you IMed?: nobody
Person you kissed?: dont like 2 kiss
Person you yelled at?: honesty
Song you listened to?: iono
Movie you watched?: Knocked up
TV show you watched?: iono
Texted You?: lot of people
You Texted?: iono
Called You?: Gab
You Called?: Gab
*[h A v E Y o U e V e R]*
Smoked?: no
Drank?: no
Pulled an all-nighter?: What kind?
Jumped on a trampoline?: yeah
Went TPing?: What is that?
Went Ding Dong Ditching?: ?
Went garbage can tipping?: that is stupid az hell
Colored your hair?: no
Cruised around?: ina car and on JTA
Lied?: sometimes
Made someone cry for the heck of it?: thats mean
Play a sport?: tons
Broken the law?: no
Stolen something?: an apple when i was 4
Been out of the country?: no
Been arrested?: For me to know and u 2 find out.
Stick your fist in your mouth?: hell no
Prefer the lights on or off?: off. What happens in the dark stays in tha dark
Would you ever get plastic surgery?: no
Had stitches?: no
Broke a bone?: tow my acl
Do you like to laugh?: yes thats one of my favorite things :)
What time is it now?: iono
What time did you wake up this morning?: iono
What time do you go to bed?: when that mug call me
Do you like to give or recieve?: Give or recieve what? ;-0
Ever fell down the stairs?: yeah
Regret something?: all the time
Forget something?: yes
Lost something?: all the time
Biggest pet peeve?: when people have that white shit round they damn mouth!!!!!
Ever had a bloody nose?: no
Ever stepped on a nail?: iono u?
Ever teach yourself to do something?: ya
Lost someone/something you loved?: My hubby Jaylen my kitten
How many times do you brush your teeth daily?: 2
Been in the emergency room?: hasent everyone
Been in a cop car?: I'll never tell LOL
Farthest place you've been from home?: new york
Ever bit your tongue?: yes
Ever broke something?: yeah
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MySpace Glitter Graphics