Slipper profile picture


About Me

Slipper were conceived 14 years ago by two like minded fools. With a love of insane music and toast many deranged and preposterous tunes were written. Then in 1998 Slipper was put back into the shoe cupboard..... until now.... with a batch of new tunes, the addition of a further two like minded fools Slipper will be coming to a stage near you soon... (well near to you if you live in Bristol)..... next stop... Farrington Gurney!!!!Watch this space for more information on Sergeant Slipper and the March of the Slippers

My Interests


Member Since: 21/03/2007
Band Members: Studio Slipper is | Brother Balbus - Vocals | Corporal Cobbler -Guitars/Bass/Drums ../../Live Slipper is | Brother Balbus - Vocals | Sergeant Slipper - Guitars | Copsey Collins - Drums | Corporal Cobbler - Bass
Influences: Roy Castle
Sounds Like: The noise you make when you accidently catch your penis in your zipper!
Record Label: UNSIGNABLE

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