The Columbia Beet profile picture

The Columbia Beet

About Me

The Columbia

It's what's growing in Columbia's underground!

The Columbia Beet is now on the radio, and is featuring live in-studio music from local and touring artists!!! Click here for details

We are NOT a band. Rather, we are a portal for any and all bands from Columbia, South Carolina. The Beet is also a great resource for bands that are planning on, or would like to play a show in Columbia.
In general The Beet is a webzine that seeks to cast a spotlight on what we consider to be a thriving and vibrant music scene here in Columbia.
With that said, we not.. book shows. We receive multiple requests for this, but we exist simply to showcase bands that play in Columbia.
If you'd like to book a show in Columbia, please look under the Music Venues section below, or contact one or more of our town's amazing bands. They are always looking to network, and are friendly to boot. Thanks!
If you would like to get in touch with The Beet via external email or join our mailing list then click this link [email protected]
(to join the mailing list, type "JOIN MAILING LIST" in the subject heading of your email)
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The Columbia Beet

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Columbia Bands.

About Zoe (Alternative / Rock / Progressive)
Acoustic Dojo (Alternative / Acoustic / Electronica)
All Good Citizens (Rock / Emo / Indie)
Almost Jason (Jazz / Rock / Jam Band)
American Gun (Rock / Country / Folk Rock)
Analog Moon (Rock / Indie / Other)
Aposable Scum (noise/punk/art)
The Argumints (Punk / Powerpop / Punk)
The Autumn Overcast (Emo / Pop Punk / Screamo)
Baumer (Rock / Electro / Pop)
Ben Walker Radio (Indie / Rock / Emo)
Beyond (Experimental / Electronica / Psychedelic)
Blinded by Underpants (Indie / Indie / Surf)
Boxing Day (Rock / Pop Punk / Indie)
Brave Horatius (Folk Rock)
Breaking Cadence (Alternative)
Bricks, The (Classic Rock / Rock)
Burns Out Bright (Post Hardcore / Emo / Rock)
Capital R (Ska / Rock / Emo)
The Cartel (Jam Band / Blues / Rock)
CCI (Experimental / Rock / Psychedelic)
Chamber 6 (Rock / Metal)
Chasing August (Screamo / Rock / Pop Punk)
Clayton Ravine (Rock)
Closer (Rock / Alternative)
Conjure (Metal / Black Metal)
Cooter Scooters (Indie / Rock)
Crossfade (Rock / Metal / Post Hardcore)
The Cypress Knees (Indie / Rock / Pop)
Da XxX PsYcHo (Trip Hop / Turntablism / Hip Hop)
Daemon Flushboy (Lounge / Psychobilly / Nu-Jazz)
Damn the Sun. (Pop Punk / Indie / Rock)
Dave Britt Band (Alternative / Folk / Indie)
Death Valley Driver (Metal / Southern Rock / Metal)
Deleveled (Rock / Metal / Pop)
The DiMeras (Rock / Funk / Pop)
The Dirty Lowdown (Rock)
Division by Zero (Alternative / Experimental / Indie)
Dreamer's Block (Indie / Folk / Pop)
Drive (Pop / Soul / Jazz)
Eden (Pop / Rock)
Enable Kain (Hardcore / Metal)
The Ectomorphs (Indie / Rock / Alternative)
enterstate (Experimental / Industrial / Ambient)
Entreat (Rock / Alternative / Electronica)
erectorset (Experimental / Electronica / Indie)
Escape This (Metal / Hardcore / Emo)
Eyes Blinded (Metal / Thrash / Hardcore)
Falling Off a Building (Emo / Folk Rock / Post Hardcore)
The Farwell Note (Emo / Pop Punk / Southern Rock)
Four3One (Rock / Post Hardcore / Psychedelic)
Burton Fowles (Acoustic / Emo / Rock)
Foxes That Fight (Experimental/Rock/Melodramatic Pop)
The Gadamers (Other)
Ghetto Blaster (Indie / Garage / Rock)
Ghost Town Saints (Country / Garage / Ambient)
The Ghosts (Indie / Ambient / Folk)
Goremet (Metal / Grindcore / Christian Rap)
Matt Goudelock (Country / Psychobilly)
greeneggy (Indie)
Grey Egg (Psychadelic / Folk / Metal)
Guitar Show (Rock / Pop Punk / Alternative)
The Heist and the Accomplice (Indie / Pop / Other)
The Hights (Indie / Electronica / Acoustic)
Hollywood (Rock)
Hootie and the Blowfish (Pop / Rock / Country)
Hot Lava Monster (Rock / Alternative)
Danielle Howle (Alternative / Indie / Jazz)
Hungry Models (Indie / Rock)
Ice Pick Choir, The (Experimental / Rock / Progressive)
If All Else Fails (Alternative / Rock)
Illa Milla (Hip Hop / R&B / Soul)
In My Trunk (Metal / Alternative / Thrash)
Isabelle's Gift (Rock / Punk / Metal)
Johnny Fever and the Frantics (Punk)
Jones (Electronica / Shoegaze / Southern Rock)
Jonny Von Poser and the 1 Show Onlies (Garage / Rock)
JuiceBox (Rock)
King's Heart (Classic Rock / Christian / Acoustic)
Krown of Thorns (Post Hardcore / Christian / Acoustic)
Kurse Go Back (Experimental / Electronica / New Wave)
The Legion (Hardcore / Experimental / Death Metal)
The Letter Red (Emo / Post Hardcore / Screamo)
Lewis, Jessica (Indie / Acoustic / Rock)
Billy Liar (Folk / Indie / Acoustic)
Lil Boy Blue and His Lonely Heart (Acoustic / Emo / Indie)
Little Baby Dynamite (Alternative / Rock / Industrial)
Lord Lhus Deciple (Rap / Hip Hop / Hardcore)
Jeff Lucero (Acoustic / Rock / Alternative)
Lundy (Rock / Pop)
Lynwood (Rock / Indie / Alternative)
Madison Fair (Rock / Pop)
The Maladroit Mafia (Ska / Punk)
The Map Says We're Fucked (Thrash / Death Metal / Grindcore)
Mean Wiener (Rock / Emo / Rock)
Metrotheque (Pop / Indie / Folk)
The Microwaves (Indie / New Wave / Powerpop)
MiKenPike (Rock / Indie / Classic Rock)
Mind Your Head (Rock / Alternative / Other)
Minus Memories (Post Hardcore / Screamo / Hardcore)
Minx Flux (Indie / Punk / Rock)
Nick Moak (Acoustic / Folk / Shoegaze)
Morning Song (Acoustic / Rock)
Monstro (Metal / Down-tempo)
Mourning After (Metal / Alternative / Rock)
The Movement (Hip Hop / Reggae / Jam Band)
Namedropper (Rock / Alternative / Other)
Naphtali Sangreal (Rap / Hip Hop / Experimental)
Nathan Jr (Rock / Indie)
No Way Jose (New Wave / Afro-beat / Rock)
The Noise (Rock / Metal / Alternative)
Pagan Savant (Metal/Rock/Progressive)
Pain In Life (Alternative / Rock)
The Papa String Band (Bluegrass / Jam Band / Psychedelic)
Perelandra (Indie / Post Hardcore / Progressive)
Petrillo Relents (Southern Rock / Blues / Rock)
Quickfuse (Metal / Death Metal / Southern Rock)
Jess Rabon (Indie / Acoustic / Rock)
Rallo Johnson (Acoustic / Psychedelic / Southern Rock)
robbieh (Progressive / Jazz / Latin)
Rocky Horror Tribute Band (Rock / Other / Pop)
Samwise (Alternative / Powerpop / Progressive)
C. Neil Scott (Jazz / Afro-beat / Experimental)
Senseless (Punk / Emo / Hardcore)
Silence Not Broken (Screamo / Emo / Pop Punk)
The Silent Anthem (Comedy / Soul)
The Silver Screen (Indie / Rock / Alternative)
Eric Skelton (Pop / Acoustic / Alternative)
Slowburn (Rock / Classic Rock)
Souls in the Shadows (Metal / Rock)
SouthernLogic (Alternative / Acoustic / Rock)
Stelle Group, The (Indie / Rock / Powerpop)
Storyteller (Acoustic / Rock / Christian)
Stretch Armstrong (Hardcore / Punk)
Suhgarhim (Alternative/Rock/Metal)
Sunshone Still (Folk / Country / Experimental)
Testing Ground (Rock / Hardcore / Punk)
Then Came the Dawn (Hardcore / Metal / Southern Rock)
This Machine is Me (Rock/Electro/Indie)
Throwing Stars of David (Experimental)
Tiger in the Grass (Indie / Folk / Experimental)
Tigerbot Hesh (Rock)
Toro y Moi (Folk/Experimental)
Transylvanian Rats (Bluegrass / Country / Rock)
Twilight Trails (Progressive / Ambient / Rock)
The Unawares (Rock / Progressive / Punk)
Until the Enemy Fall (Metal / Hardcore / Progressive)
Vinyl Are My Pants (Indie / Pop / Rock)
Wet Paint (Jam Band / Blues / Rock)
Why Johnny Kills (Psychedelic / Southern Rock / Soul)
Winged DNA and the Lesser Light (Indie / Ambient / Rock)
Yellow Snow (Rock)
Kenley Young (Rock/Acoustic)
Your Last Dream (Metal / Hardcore / Emo)
Yukos The Crude (Rock / Other)

Columbia Bands.defunct.

Alaska the Tiger (Indie / Other / Rock)
All Hands on Deck
Bolt (Progressive / Rock / Experimental)
Build a Bridge
Courage Riley
The Fastest Steed on Earth (Psychedelic / Comedy / Rock)
Guyana Punchline
Haunted Bulldozer
Lights for Nero
Love Apple
My Suprise
Orgone Accumulator (Indie / Experimental / Progressive)
Pink Flamingos

Columbia Collectives.

Noisy South
Welcome to Grandville

Columbia DJs.

Vicious Cycle Productions

Columbia Karaoke.

Mr. B's Goodtime Karaoke Explosion

Columbia Music Publications.
Step Out of the Line

Columbia Music Studios.

Jam Room
Modern Music

Columbia Music Venues.

The Boiler Room
New Brookland Tavern
Art Bar
The Red Tub The Whig

Columbia Radio Stations.

WUSC 90.5 FM

Columbia Record Labels
Clone Theory
Fork and Spoon
Race to Rock

Columbia Record Stores.

Acme Records & Comics
Papa Jazz Records
Sounds Familiar

Columbia Skate Shops.

Blue Tile

South Carolina Punk History

Directions to Art Bar
Directions to New Brookland Tavern
real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 27/05/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

Friends of The Columbia Beet

The Jam Room Recording Studio

Sounds Like: Local, Regional, Underground, Independent
Record Label: Sasquatch Corp.

My Blog

The Beet Blog

Be sure to visit our Blogger page at
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 22:36:00 GMT

Columbia Beet v 2.5 (New Website)

Hello all, We’re currently in the process of moving out base of operations over to our new homepage at so update your bookmarks and what-not. The MySpace site will...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 22:10:00 GMT

Spring Calendar Update!

Hey everyone, we've got a few additions and some alterations to The Beet's Spring schedule. ..>..> ..> 2.15.08 - The Robot Touch 2.29.08 - The Heist & The Accomplice 3.07.08 - Analog Moon...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 22:29:00 GMT

February Calendar

Here we go folks!  The Columbia Beet v2.0 is a go!Feb 1         The Choir Quit Feb 8         This Machine is MeFeb 15     &n...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:04:00 GMT

The Columbia Beet v 2.0

Hello all,The Beet returns this Spring, with a new time slot!We will now air FRIDAYS from 4pm-6pm!!!We are currently looking for local and non-local(but playing locally)bands/artists/musicians to book...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 11:13:00 GMT

Local artist Plundershop mentioned in Tiny Mix Tapes article!

Columbia's very own Brantley Fletcher (a.k.a Plundershop, and singer/guitarist for Cooter Scooters) was recently mentioned in an article over at Tiny Mix TapesHere's an excerpt:What is it about music ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 22:29:00 GMT

Show Calendar / Oct-Dec

The Columbia BeetShow Calendar: Oct 29th - Dec 17th..>..>Oct 29 2007 12:00P ..> 90.5 WUSC fm Columbia - Black Swan ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:41:00 GMT

@ New Brookland Tavern tonight! - The Local Showcase Series!

The Local Showcase Series!This Wednesday (Oct. 24) brought to by WUSC, New Brookland Tavern, & The Columbia City Paper.A Chime In DarknessAura ChampionAnd Then Came Terror7:30pm DoorsFree Over 21...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:11:00 GMT

Columbia Beet meets WUSC - Mondays 12noon-2pm

The Columbia Beet is now on the radio!This Fall The Beet will join forces with the University of South Carolina's student run radio station 90.5 WUSC FM, every Monday from 12noon-2pm.The show will fea...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 00:16:00 GMT

Toro y Moi featured on Pitchfork!!!

Columbia's own Toro y Moi, alias Chaz Bundick of The Heist and The Accomplice, was recently featured in Pitchfork Media's "forkcast" music news column. You can listen to one of Toro y Moi's tracks on...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:25:00 GMT