What up world? The name you’re now rockin’ wit’ is Mally Tuff!! As a promising and aspiring artist, I bring a different twist to the mean streets of Philadelphia. Mixing creativity and immaculate wordplay, I touch on topics that I come in contact with through my everyday life. Removing myself from the norm and bringing a new feel to the rap game, I’ve created a way for the listeners (you) to feel my music and what I stand for!. My rap sheet consists of many bangers by my MCF family, songs wit’ Alfamega (Grand Hustle), bangers with Daytona (another underground secret), songs with Them Outta’ Orda’ Boyz, and writing for other various artsits. As the summer approaches, so does the time when I jump into action full throttle and try to knock the coils out ya’ speakers... I just won artist of the month on XM sattelite radio 66RAW and I got a role in the Major motion picture the Vapors starring Cuba Gooding,Evan Ross and Keke Palmer its gonna ba a big year
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