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About Me

We are a group of persons that deal with evrything that is assumed with the eyes, some of us come from the world of graphic design, other from visual arts, others from the web. In our work we mix up all our visual culture. We use cuts of movies and documentaries, clips shooted by us, typography animation, low definition medias...we allways try to do something dedicated for each live show, creating links beetween the images and the athmosphere of the music, experimenting with softwares and analog media (we often have a terribly tuned tv). We worked with lots of persons, dj's and music bands. Lately we did a great night in Venice with Claudio Coccoluto dj set and a couple of shows in Milan creating a superdedicated show for Bigammadre. We are also having a stable collaboration with Rock i.d. (new project of the former drummer of asian dub foundation) and with Invasian krew Killah (with spex mc, asian dub foundation frontman).
Our main graphic project is ZA!revue ; independent graphic magazine, that has around a huge and active media crew.
Down here a few viedeos...one is a live set in Venice with Claudio Coccoluto...the other are some of my personal work (a self portrait done to try the rotoscoping technique)...and then some clips that I use during live performances. MUCH MORE VIDEOS SOON!!!
20 marzo 2007
Concerto dei Bigammadre+Rock i.D.+Invasian krew killah. I video sono stati girati appositamente per lo show, ogni brano ha un suo set di clip che vengono "suonati" e alcuni elementi sincronizzati con diversi canali del mixer audio.
Myspace Editor
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My Blog

Leoncavallo | 31 marzo | festa della semina

Il 31 marzo saremo al Leoncavallo s p a (spazio pubblico autogestito) per un live set con Bigammadre che apriranno il concerto di Rock I.D. e Invasian krew killah.
Posted by on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 06:45:00 GMT

Apertura myspace page

Ieri notte abbiamo aperta la nostra pagina myspace, dopo che spesso (troppo spesso) ci venieva chiesto se avessimo uno spazio web oppure no. In realtà la cosa che ci preme di più è utilizzare myspace ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 23:22:00 GMT

Guarda questo evento: IN-HE-LIUM

Hosted By: Za!RevueWhen: 01 mar 2008, 23.00Where: CS CANTIEREViale Monte Rosa (M1 Lotto)Milano, Milano|270 ItaliaDescription:Za!Revue Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT


Dopo un'estate di bisboccia, serate Livornesi in fortezza e, fra le altre cose, di lavoro su paio di videoclip...l'8 settembre si torna con i BIgammadre e il live set video progettato appositamente pe...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT