Randi-Lyn profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Name? Randi-Lyn
Nickname? Mommy Midol
Age? 44
Birthday? September 29
Birthplace? Norwich, CT
How many states have you been to? 25
Countries? 2
Current Location? Taftville, CT
School? Not since Socrates and Aristotle
Zodiac Sign? Libra
Chinese Zodiac Sign? I AM THE DRAGON LADY!
Righty or Lefty? Both :-D
Natural Haircolor? Blonde
Current Haircolor? Blonde
Favorite Haircolor? On guys, dark... on girls, blonde
Eyecolor? Blue
Favorite Eyecolor? Blue
Skin Color? White... I'm kinda like liquid paper...
Do you live with your parents? No
Any Pets? Do my kids count?
If So What Are They? Cat=Inky Dog=Phoenix
Named after anything? nope
Favorite Relative? My kids... like I have a choice...
Least Favorite Relative? Does my ex count?
What's Your Heritage? English, French Canadian, German
Political Affilation? They all suck
Sexual Preference? Straight as an arrow
Are You In A Relationship Now? Nope
If So, With Whom?
How Long?
Are You In Love?
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone? Doesn't everyone?
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex? nope
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss? 17
Virgin? I've got kids... you figure it out
Who's your Best Friend? My kids
More Guys Or Girls? Equal
Any You Wish You Were Closer To? That'd just be wierd and disturbing
Oldest? Eric
Newest? The person I'll meet tomorrow
Boxers or Briefs? Neither
Shorts or Pants? Shorts
Shoes or Barefeet? Bare
Books or Movies? Books
Night or Day? The night time is the right time
Dark or Light? Dark
Mountains or Beach? Both
Snow or Sun? Sun
Pepsi or Coke? Coke
What do you think about Gay Marriage? I can't wait to have a son-in-law someday... married to my son...
Suicide? If life gives you lemons... use them to squirt your enemy in the eye
War? Make love, not war... it's more fun :-P
Pants? purple polar bears licking the electric heater...
Clothes In General? nice big warm cozy sweatshirts are good...
What's your Favorite Color? Anything other than yellow and orange
Number? 69 :-P
Holiday? Any one that gives me a day off of work
Season? Fall
Movies? Cocktail, Top Gun, The Notebook
Books? Anything by Heather Graham, Patricia Cornwell, or Catherine Coulter
Magazines? Anything with pictures...lol
Foods? N.E. Boiled Dinner
Drinks? Water and Green Tea
TV Shows? House, NCIS, CSI, Law & Order: SVU, Las Vegas, Bones, Medium, Crossing Jordan
Bands? I like a little bit of everything
Computer Games? Pogo.com
Video Games? Pogo.com
Flower? Roses
Scent? Cool Water by Davidoff
Animal? Bears
Cookie? Chocolate Chip
Want/Go To College? Some...
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Rich
Want To/Are Married? Been there, done that
Want/Have Kids? Proud Parent
What Would Their Names Be (M/F)? boy = Garrett... girl = Jordan
How Many? one of each
Where Do You Want To Live? Montana
Where Do You Want To Get Married? Never again
How Do You Want To Die? In my sleep
Have any Piercings? Ears...
Where? um... ears
Tattoos? eww... no
Of What? um... NO
Do you Smoke? Nope
Drink? Sex on the Beach every once in a great while
Do Drugs? Only the good prescription kind :-P
Favorite Drug? none
Least Favorite Drug? the ones I'm allergic to
What's your Greatest Fear? Thunderstorms and loud noises and reptiles and creepy-crawlies
Do you Go To Church? nope
Religion? Non-denominational
Have any cool Scars? I got a friggin highway... thanks kids!
How many bones have you broken? 2
Which ones? Ankle and finger
Collections? Thimbles... dust...
Ever Eaten Sushi? eww... no... gross...
An Entire Case Of Oreos? uh... barf?
Been On Stage? Yup
Danced In The Rain? Yup
Weirdest Dream? I wouldn't even know where to begin
Wildest Dream? We need to keep this PG
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True? The one where I'm gorgeous and rich
What would you do with a million bucks? Travel
Have you ever Shoplifted? No... that's my mother's department
Been in a Fight? Yup
How many? Almost daily for 13 years
Tell us About One? Alcoholic husband... enough said?
Did you win? Always! :-D
Been Arrested? Nope
For What? NO... BAD!
Like Thunderstorms? -covers eyes and rocks back and forth, crying-
Favorite Shoes? Clogs
Favorite Quote? "Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive. Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto." -From "Dolores Claiborn"
Best Advice Given? See above
Worst Advice Given? "Hang in there, he'll change" Yeah... right...
Favorite Song Lyrics? "My give-a-damn's busted"

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