This is the product of an urban mixture. Phonoclórica, fusioning popular genders from the Colombian pacific coast (currulao, bunde, porro) with funk, rock, latin jazz and D&B, it has developed itself with the interest in create a popular meaning to the latest kinds of traditional national music, trying to reach a new folk identity having conscience of the pop and colorful sense but without leaving behind the classic rhythms that prime in our fusion.
The band is design by the structure of a marimba de chonta assemble (also called the piano from the wild, from the south pacific coast). The used format is made of three traditional instruments: the cununo, the bombo and the guazá, and four other instruments that bring the urban element, such as: the drums, the electric bass, the electric guitar and keyboards, plus the folk colors from the cantaoras (native female singers), and finally one male voice.
Phonoclórica is the result of the research and analysis of our pacific native music. Through a three years lapse we have had the honor and fortune of having the support of masters like Jose Antonio Suarez (gualajo), Juan Sebastian Ochoa, Jesus Mosquera (chucho palo), Lucho Gaitán, Natanael Martinez, and Jacobo Velez, all of them had increased the knowledge about the musical roots in our country.ESPAÑOL: producto del mestizaje urbano, fusiona géneros populares del litoral pacÃfico (Currulao, Bunde, Porro, Abosao) con funk, rock, timba, latÃn jazz y D&B.
Se ha desarrollado con el interés de darle un nuevo significado a los géneros musicales de tradición del pacÃfico colombiano, intentando forjar una nueva identidad folclórica con la conciencia del sabor popular pero sin descuidar los estilos que priman en nuestra fusión.
Con composiciones inéditas, la banda logra consolidar durante 3 años de trabajo en grupo un sonido propio, único e innovador.
AsÃ, el sentir de Phonoclórica se hace tangible “en vivoâ€, cuando su carácter inconfundible se adentra en el público y mas allá de ser un fenómeno comprensible en escena, representa la sensación en si misma, la fuerza impetuosa del baile y la más frenética elaboración musical
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