My interests are my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, My 3 Beautiful kids who are bad but they are very cute...I guess thats why I continue to feed them LOL
I'd say Jesus but I already know him...
It don't matter whos on my top friends because everyone on here are my top friends...i love you all!
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I don't even really get to listen to music....I mostly listen to KFAX 1100 AM....its how I keep my sanity in this crazy world...Other than than I know all the lyrics to any song that Raven Symone sings cuz I am forced by my kids to listen to Disney Radio. my kids love him!Way too much Beyonce
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I only get to see kids movies and so far they are all very similar...I did like robots. I have a bunch of videos of my kiddies on here that I shot on my cell...a lil grainy but check them out!
American Idol...I have missed the last eps of New York, she is tryin too hard to be like Flavor Flav...I love me some him...and other than my father he's the only man in my life that I have major love for. I Am mad a Deelishus tho for playin him...well ok they played eachother but she was seen at my friends job in Oakland checkin into a hotel with her Football player boyfriend...I still got mad love for you tho Deelishus...LOL oh and i love southpark. ..
kids books is all i have time to read...the disney princess stories...dr.seuss, The Brown Bear, I love you stinky face, and any other stories my kids wanna hear. Someday I want to write books of my own...I started writing when I was younger and I am going to work on a screen play soon about my fathers life in the treacherous streets of Oakland...I am just waiting on my homeie Matty G...he's just finished film school and hes bustin his chops making videos for the likes of Paris Hilton and other musicians...Do ya thang boy so we can do it together!
God and my three lil ones...I am because they are...I love them so much...thank you lord for bestowing such blessings in my life.