wee manky black rat profile picture

wee manky black rat

anything you dont understand is wrong

About Me

(10% bullshit/90% lies).I am an arse-hole most of the time, sometimes I'm cool coz when i speak my tone doesn't sound like this!A lot of the things i say people react with: thats really weird/random/horrible/sick/hillarious/offensive. I hardly ever sleep, am allergic to cats. I eat meat and drink heavy. Sometimes; I might be loud, quiet, obnoxious, caring, drunk, stoned. I am always either confused or scared usually both, happy or sad. This is in no way applicable to how i view myself. DON'T TOUCH ME! I edited my profile with WITH MY BAllS OUT

My Interests

BLACK coffee,BLACK tea,BLACK metal,WHITE noise,surrealism,socialising,art,literature,drag,Vikings,int oxication, music, identity politics, mental health issues, current events, football, bizzare sexual practises, tribalism, japan,and guessing what the future holds.

I'd like to meet:

someone who grows weed.


theres like a time n a place for everything!gabba,grind-core,black metal,most all metal types, dubstep,experimental,folk,drum n bass,post rock,rockabilly,old-skool-hip hop,homophobic-ragga,grime,doom metal,death metal,riot grrl,emo, punk rock ,jungle,ska,reggae,dance hall, hardcore;(punk/metal/techno etc.)electro,digital hardcore,industrial, electro,techno,jazz,80's power ballads,prog-rock,italian dinner piano music,sad classical,african acapella, but mostly black metal and industrial.


comedy,horror,sci-fi,japanese or french films tend to turn my head. or anything i've never seen before.


some quiz's,documentaries, news, occasional sports events, cartoons, soaps, music related viewing, takeshi's castle


diceman, satanic bible, diary of a drug fiend,junkie,catcher in the rye, oor-wullie and the broons, dope stories, trainspotting, girlfriend in a coma, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn


mr john peel

My Blog

my prayer to god

after thinking for a while i decided i've completly turned my back on the idea of spirituality, god and religion.realistically if there was a god who made this amzing beautiful world why has he gave ...
Posted by wee manky black rat on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:10:00 PST


Buckfast cocktails include: Bamgria: equal measures Buckfast and Irn Bru.Punk Champagne: two parts white cider to one part Buckfast.Malifast: one part Malibu Rum to one part Buckfast.Chamfast (known ...
Posted by wee manky black rat on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 03:11:00 PST