music, singing, talking, fashion, movies, insomnia, laughing, random shouting, random squealing, magazines, drawing, headbanging, taking pictures, cutting hair, keyboards, the beach, iced coffee, reading, making faces, spending money, air drumming, air guitar, raspberry icetea, turquoise, amethyst, sarcasm, poems, painting, fedoras, random dancing, the moonwalk, the robot, acoustic covers, acoustic guitar, horoscopes, road trips, the spring, the fall, the mall, plaid, patterns, unusual designs, raybans, makeup, color contacts, dying my hair, sunsets, hugging, highfiving, smiling, cool people, heart necklaces, locket necklaces, isolating myself, plushies, pink laptop, ruffled blouses, bows, cleaning my room, painting my nails black, umbrellas in the sun, loud music in the car, playing with puffy, tiger&bella, looking at photography, trips to target, daydreaming, thai temples, staying up late, waking up late, 1 hour showers, living off cereal, respect, loyalty, being myself, oh &the list goes on&on&onFollow me @,
Aim me @ krystalisamitten,
skype me @ krystalchavarin,
& Add me here if you want :)
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