meredith profile picture


Will you please excuse me.. I've cut my foot and my shoe's filling up with blood.

About Me

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."--Albert Einstein

My Interests

stimulation, snowboarding, ethnic foods, tapatio, plutos, beer pong, patron, juice, green eyeliner, stilettos, jewelry, vintage clothing, designer jeans, electronics, technology, wine, the internet, the future, music, beats, slappin' in the whippp, hip hop, sexy men, pedicures, frolicking, meadows, tennis, gettin' my WORK OUT on, writing, journalism, debate, contemplation, creativity, theatre, scenic points, photography, fashion, design, art, coffee, hookah, stoner moments, diversity, cultures, politics, people, the beach, the mountians, the sky, the staaaars! traveling, feminism, society, sushi, maryjaaane, clubs, parties, sessions, funny funny shit! the dane traaain, laughing, wasabi, chocolate, mushrooms, interpertation, drawing, beauty, singing, expression, love! peace, happiness.


everything from around the world! rap, hyphy, hip hop, trance, pop, soooul, underground anything, regaee, french rap, classical (for those times I'm feelin' enlightened) rock, skaa, salsa, classic rock, lounge.. pretty. much. everything.


with significance.. either that or are funny as SHIT!


as much as I enjoy my urban propaganda.. I ALSO love a little animal planet, discovery chanel, and my personal favorite.. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! taboo. oooh!


sula, seabiscuit, the stranger, harry potter, into thin air, the da vinci code, guns germs and steel, bollywood nights, the devil wears prada.. hmmm?

My Blog


Dude, I had no idea, what a BITCH moving was...Like, seriously, there is so much useless shit around here. But the worst fact about it - is takes about a week to pack all your shit up, then...
Posted by meredith on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 12:50:00 PST

weed is weird

what's up with weed man? if you put all the cons in a fucking nutshell, it really makes me wonder why we continue to use this "mind altering" drug. At least speaking from my perspect...
Posted by meredith on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

boredom struck...

So of couse, happiness couldn't be greater due to the fact that school is out...however that's when i realize, and slowly begin to remember the honest fact - I live in Palo Alto. WHich i GUESS, is n...
Posted by meredith on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST