.:kel_mrb:. profile picture


Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow. - Ben Frank.

About Me

"FRIENDSHIP, IT'S LIKE PEEING YOUR PANTS... EVERYONE CAN SEE IT... BUT ONLY YOU CAN FEEL IT... SO TO ALL MY FRIENDS... THANKS FOR BEING THE PEE IN MY PANTS!"ok so the names rachel, but u can call me rachel, unless ur one of my close friends whos come up with many aka's for me lol. ok lets see, im like no one you'll ever meet, i like long walks on da...treadmill, and long talks on da phone wit that special someone... from those 1-800 hotline numbers dat dey show late at nite, haha eww, i like to go places, all day everyday, u can ask anyone, im usually nvr home unless i have to be, i like to get lost and not kno exactly what to do. its exciting sometimes to up and drive somewhere without planning it 3 months ahead. so i say, go drive sumwhere, check into a motel 8, or motel 6 if ur lucky, climb a fence and jump into a private pool! i like to ask taco bell cashiers if there's beef in their steak chalupas(haha ling-ling), I LOVE GOD and everything he's done for me and my family, i love going to my church and i absolutely LOVE my youth group and everything about them! I love the crazy-fun atmosphere and presence that we carry which, many times, causes us to have some VERY stupid, but memorable, moments! heck yess! i hate forgetting what i use to remember, i hate ppl dat try to race me, i hate drama, i hate ppl that say they "hate" something, and i hate irony, but i love meeting people ive nvr met b4, love being one of the biggest dorks ill ever meet, and i like to save the car battery by sticking my hand out the window to signal that im turning. ok i think im done, i kno dis is prolly one big sarcastic run-on sentence, with many inside jokes that's caused questions to arise and if u do have any, feel free to keep them to urselves. thank you come again (haha u kno u re-read dat with an accent) kBYE!
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My Interests

Every Filipino LOVES to sing and play Billiards (evn wen dey aint dat good..) oh, and BOWLING!!! I LOVE TO BUY SHOES!!!!!!!! mostly diesels and jordans and air forces and chucks and nikes and pumas are ok too and...umm... iversons and im about to go buy my black and white air forces yay! shoes are awesome! i could write a peom about shoes. lets see this peom is entitled SHOES: shoes, shoes, shoes they go everywhere u wanna go they'll be there through all the dirt you'll walk through they'll always be there no matter what road u take hehehe ok lemme stop so anyways I like to play my guitar, sing, Drive, Talk on the phone(but not at the same time of course!), I love cellphones, i like to be up to date in dis category lol u can ask anyone, i change my fone almost 2-3 times a yr! its crazy! buh yea, i like to chill wit friends, shopping, play basketball, going to H&M, cook, going to H&M, eat, swim, shop, go to H&M, listen ta music, watch scary and funny movies, and oh yea i like to go shop at H&M! and shoes are cool too!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet all the little people i had to step on to get to where i am now. hehe jp i wanna meet... Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Allen Iverson, Alicia Keys, bow wow, J-boog, Usher, Nelly, Adam Sandler, Drew Carey, Jim Carey, Chris rock, Chris tucker, Jackie Chan, Denzel Washington, Vin Diesel, and ur mom

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RIP to Aaliyah, the best female artist of ALL time! and to Lisa "left eye" Lopez. im basically in to Christian, R&B, Hip-Hop u dont stop lol, Punk rock, i really like music thats unique and "out there," something that no one else has tried b4 hence, the reason why the Black Eyed Peas are pretty much my favorite group coz they have a style like no other, lately ive been into Jack Johnson(esp the song he did w/ the Black eyed peas) and i like Robin Thicke. ok moving along, i like the oldies: Platters, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Ricky Nelson, The carpenters, The Beatles...etc..but my favorite is R&B: KC & Jojo, Boyz II Men, Brian McKnight....etc (alot of old school) Diddy (wen he was still "Puff Daddy", Tupac, Biggie, KanyeWest, TLC, Ace of Base lol, and of course...."AIR SUPPLY" haha... no freal tho. anyways Im open to pretty much any kind of music cept most country songs, and heavy metal. srry jus not my thing.


I love movies!! i really like horror and comedy the best! Action movies are good too, but only if they're really exciting and keeps you on the edge of ur seat coz if its lacking the excitement..then "action movie" is just another name. I like to watch old movies too, like ones wit Elvis Presley, coz u have to admit, he was pretty hott b4 he got FAT! Ones with Lucille Ball frm I Love Lucy and many more! umm.. I like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Animal, Mean Girls, hot chick, spiderman I and II, The exorcist movies, all the "Scary Movies" even tho the 3rd one kinda sucked, The Notebook, The Great Raid, Top Gun, the Mission Impossibles, Big Mommas House I and II, Rush Hour, King Kong, Date Movie, 50 1st dates, Basically all of Adam Sandlers movies, Jim Carrey's movies, oh and evn tho "Superman Returns" aint out yet... ill put it down coz i LOVE SUPERMAN!!! (it better be good)uh... i guess thats it right now, just to name a few


SMALLVILLE!!!, Spongebob squarepants, Mtv, Bet, MadTv, SNL, MXC, HBO, In Living Color, The Jamie Foxx show, the drew carey show, that 70's show, will and grace, Dharma and Greg, I Love Lucy, Whos line is it anyway, Girlfriends, CSI, House, Boondocks, Saved By The Bell, Ed Edd & Eddy, Spiderman and friends, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers(the new ones suck!) punk'd, Friends, The music video channel...etc.


usually i only read when its for school, but i guess i like The Outsiders, and i liked this one book i read cept i dont member what book it was so i guess it doesnt help. anyways... What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? Click here to make Falling Objects What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!? What it do?!?


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Posted by .:kel_mrb:. on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:57:00 PST


this is mostly for all those juniors and seniors out there. Has anyone ever thought about how close graduation day is? and i mean really thought about it. not just saying "oh im soo happy im graduatin...
Posted by .:kel_mrb:. on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 09:21:00 PST

my first blog whoo hoo!!!

Ahhhh....the smell of my geeeh-tar. The touch of the strings. The sound of the music that the friction of my fingers produce. That's pure joy. Oh-to sing songs of love, triumph and love goes against t...
Posted by .:kel_mrb:. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST