Figuring Myself Out- Cuddling- Make Up- Smiles- Movies- Friends- Music- Piano- Care Bears- Kinkiness- Crying- Sarcasm- Giving- Being an Idiot- Having Fun- Helping People- OCTOBER- Wasting Away- Laughter- Dickies- Tattoos- Piercings- Your Face- Trouble- Food- Late Night Drives- Polka Dots- Stripes- Dancing- Rain Kisses- CROCHETING SCARVES AND BLANKETS- Stars- CRAZINESS- Autumn- Halloween- Being Scared- White- Cleaness- Sugar- hot coco- fireworks with loved ones- YELLOW ROSES- snow- photographs- memories- poems- songs- converse- swimming- beach tans- Vacations in North Carolina- Photos- SEWING/ MAKING CLOTHES- Keep Out Signs- T-Storms- The Way Things Work Out- Fridays- Saturdays- Summer- The Ocean- Sand- Sun Rises/ Sun Sets- Long Lost Friends- Long Distance Phone Calls- Car Music- 80s- Stretched Ears- Rain- Random Girl Talks- Knowing What I Want/ Getting It- True Friends- FEELING SOMETHING REAL- Being Random- Late Night Phone Calls- Nakedness- Being Loved- THRIFT STORES-
3 11, A ce of Base, A FI, A lexisonfire, A ll American Rejects, A nberlin, A nnuals, A qualung , A rmor for Sleep, T he Ataris, B ad Company, T he Beach Boys, T he Beatles, B en Folds Five, B en Kweller, B etween the Buried and Me, B illy Talent, T he Bled , B londie, B ob Marley, B rand New, B randtson , T he Briggs, B right Eyes, B roken Social Scene , C ake, C andid Daydream, T he Cardigans, C auterize, C ave In, C oheed and Cambria, C oldplay, C opeland , C ounting Crows, C ount the Stars, T he Cure, C ursive, D aphne Loves Derby, D ashboard Confessional, D eath Cab for Cutie, D MB, D on Henley, T he Doors, D ropkick Murpheys, T he Eagles, T he Early November, E lliott, E lliott Smith , E lton John, E ric Clapton, E v Angel, E vergreen Terrace, F all Out Boy, F eeling Left Out, F iona Apple, F leetwood Mac, F rom Autumn to Ashes, F rou Frou, F uel, F uneral for a Friend, F urther Seems Forever, T he Get Up Kids, G lasseater, G lassjaw, G oo Goo Dolls, G reen Day, T he Guess Who, G ym Class Heroes, H all and Oates, H awthorne Heights, H er Space Holiday, H ootie and the Blowfish, H ot Hot Heat, H uey Lewis and the News, I am the Avalanche , I ncubus , I ron and Wine, J et, J ewel, J immy Eat World, J ohn Mayer, J ordan Knight, T he Juliana Theory , L etter Kills, L ifehouse, L ifetime, T he Lyndsay Diaries, M ad Caddies, M ae, M aroon 5, T he Mars Volta, M atchbook Romance, M elee , M idtown, M ineral, M odern Day Miracle, M oneen, M orrissey , M otion City Soundtrack , T he Movielife, N ightmare of You , N irvana, N umber One Fan , O asis, O ver It , P ark, P at Benatar, P aul McCartney, T he Police, T he Postal Service, R adiohead, R ainer Maria, R iddlin' Kids, R od Stewart, R ufio, S aosin, S arah McLachlan, S aves the Day, S ay Anything, S cary Kids Scaring Kids, S enses Fall, S ex Pistols, S heryl Crow, T he Shins , S hout Out Louds, S imon and Garfunkle, T he Smiths , S now Patrol, S omething Corporate , T he Spill Canvas , T he Starting Line, S tina Nordenstam, S ting, S tory of the Year, S ublime, T aking Back Sunday, T exas is the Reason, T hrice, T hursday, T illy and the Wall , U nderOath, T he Used, V an Morrison, W arren G, W heatus, T he Who, W ings, T he Yeah Yeah Yeahs ,and a bunch others.
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American History X, Garden State, Tim Burton films: Corpse Bride, Big Fish, Nightmare before Christmas, etc Requiem for a Dream, Drop Dead Fred, Space Balls, Vanilla Sky, Super Troopers, Dazed and Confused, Fight Club, Life as a House, The Goonies, Blow, Pirates of the Carribbean, Girl Interrupted, Harry Potter of course, Hotel Rwanda, Munich, Brokeback Mountain, To Kill a Mockingbird, any Alfred Hitchcock movie, and a whole shitload more.
C SI, S opranos, 6 Feet Under, C hapelle Show
T he Perks of Being a Wall Flower , A Clockwork Orange, S tephen King novels, C atcher in the Rye, W hores on The Hill, etc.