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Kaela Rae

i bite my lips

About Me

My name's Kaela Visconti. I'm originally from S y r a c u s e , New York. I just recently moved to Prior Lake, Minnesota. I now go to Winona State University for nursing and hopefully will be able to help people in a few years here if I ever graduate from hell. I'm training to wipe old people's asses right now so hopefully next month I'll have my certified nursing assistant degree and will be able to use that too. Wish me luck...I'll need it. My aim sn is TIREDMUNCHKIN. It's extremely old and I barely ever go online so I have no need to change it. Laugh if you want. I am who I am. I'm NOT vegetarian or vegan like some of my friends, but I do respect it I'm just too Italian i guess... Everything is about respect. So try it some time. I live for lacrosse. It's one of the few things that make me all that happy. I also like to read and write a lot. Believe it or not, I can be smart when I want to be. I HATE being lied to. but other than that, I'm generally a nice person and fun to be around. I have a bubbly personality most of time and I'm not very picky with much. I'll be friends with almost anyone if they're nice and have a decent personality. I'm not being mean, but seriously, there are those people out there (and there are quite a few) who deserve to be kicked in the face. If you've ever had anyone say something like that to you or something along those lines...don't bother trying to talk to me. You probably really do suck at life...I won't apologize for who I am. This is me. I wouldn't change my life for anything, even though I will admit I have regrets. If I hadn't made mistakes though, I wouldn't have learned from them and became who I am today.Live life the way it's meant to be. Listen to music outside instead of in. Play games. Drink beer. Smoke if you dare. Watch the sunset and then in the morning watch it rise again. Take pictures. Lots of pictures. Try new foods. Learn something. Think outside the box, it's worth it. Embrace love, don't turn it away or ignore it, i promise its worth it to have experienced it even if it didn't work out. Actually talk to your parents for once, they actually are usually right about everything as much as nobody wants to admit it. Read a book or two instead of watching TV all day long. Take a dance class, or maybe even learn fencing instead. Don't get into politics, it's just not worth it. Anticipate the best, prepare for the worst. Fight for what you believe is right. Become a feminist. They really aren't a whole bunch of men-hating wackjobs. Do something crazy...but not TOO crazy so you go to jail. Be a good friend. Jog. Don't hate the world because it's a horrible capitalist demeaning pressure-building piece of shit...LOVE THE WORLD BECAUSE I ASKED YOU TO TRY IT.you're my favorite this is the end guns are for pussies... my best escape plan was you she simply will not die christ is not a fashion id burn alive for you you will pay the price

My Interests

Figuring Myself Out- Cuddling- Make Up- Smiles- Movies- Friends- Music- Piano- Care Bears- Kinkiness- Crying- Sarcasm- Giving- Being an Idiot- Having Fun- Helping People- OCTOBER- Wasting Away- Laughter- Dickies- Tattoos- Piercings- Your Face- Trouble- Food- Late Night Drives- Polka Dots- Stripes- Dancing- Rain Kisses- CROCHETING SCARVES AND BLANKETS- Stars- CRAZINESS- Autumn- Halloween- Being Scared- White- Cleaness- Sugar- hot coco- fireworks with loved ones- YELLOW ROSES- snow- photographs- memories- poems- songs- converse- swimming- beach tans- Vacations in North Carolina- Photos- SEWING/ MAKING CLOTHES- Keep Out Signs- T-Storms- The Way Things Work Out- Fridays- Saturdays- Summer- The Ocean- Sand- Sun Rises/ Sun Sets- Long Lost Friends- Long Distance Phone Calls- Car Music- 80s- Stretched Ears- Rain- Random Girl Talks- Knowing What I Want/ Getting It- True Friends- FEELING SOMETHING REAL- Being Random- Late Night Phone Calls- Nakedness- Being Loved- THRIFT STORES-


3 11, A ce of Base, A FI, A lexisonfire, A ll American Rejects, A nberlin, A nnuals, A qualung , A rmor for Sleep, T he Ataris, B ad Company, T he Beach Boys, T he Beatles, B en Folds Five, B en Kweller, B etween the Buried and Me, B illy Talent, T he Bled , B londie, B ob Marley, B rand New, B randtson , T he Briggs, B right Eyes, B roken Social Scene , C ake, C andid Daydream, T he Cardigans, C auterize, C ave In, C oheed and Cambria, C oldplay, C opeland , C ounting Crows, C ount the Stars, T he Cure, C ursive, D aphne Loves Derby, D ashboard Confessional, D eath Cab for Cutie, D MB, D on Henley, T he Doors, D ropkick Murpheys, T he Eagles, T he Early November, E lliott, E lliott Smith , E lton John, E ric Clapton, E v Angel, E vergreen Terrace, F all Out Boy, F eeling Left Out, F iona Apple, F leetwood Mac, F rom Autumn to Ashes, F rou Frou, F uel, F uneral for a Friend, F urther Seems Forever, T he Get Up Kids, G lasseater, G lassjaw, G oo Goo Dolls, G reen Day, T he Guess Who, G ym Class Heroes, H all and Oates, H awthorne Heights, H er Space Holiday, H ootie and the Blowfish, H ot Hot Heat, H uey Lewis and the News, I am the Avalanche , I ncubus , I ron and Wine, J et, J ewel, J immy Eat World, J ohn Mayer, J ordan Knight, T he Juliana Theory , L etter Kills, L ifehouse, L ifetime, T he Lyndsay Diaries, M ad Caddies, M ae, M aroon 5, T he Mars Volta, M atchbook Romance, M elee , M idtown, M ineral, M odern Day Miracle, M oneen, M orrissey , M otion City Soundtrack , T he Movielife, N ightmare of You , N irvana, N umber One Fan , O asis, O ver It , P ark, P at Benatar, P aul McCartney, T he Police, T he Postal Service, R adiohead, R ainer Maria, R iddlin' Kids, R od Stewart, R ufio, S aosin, S arah McLachlan, S aves the Day, S ay Anything, S cary Kids Scaring Kids, S enses Fall, S ex Pistols, S heryl Crow, T he Shins , S hout Out Louds, S imon and Garfunkle, T he Smiths , S now Patrol, S omething Corporate , T he Spill Canvas , T he Starting Line, S tina Nordenstam, S ting, S tory of the Year, S ublime, T aking Back Sunday, T exas is the Reason, T hrice, T hursday, T illy and the Wall , U nderOath, T he Used, V an Morrison, W arren G, W heatus, T he Who, W ings, T he Yeah Yeah Yeahs ,and a bunch others.

adopt your own virtual pet!


American History X, Garden State, Tim Burton films: Corpse Bride, Big Fish, Nightmare before Christmas, etc Requiem for a Dream, Drop Dead Fred, Space Balls, Vanilla Sky, Super Troopers, Dazed and Confused, Fight Club, Life as a House, The Goonies, Blow, Pirates of the Carribbean, Girl Interrupted, Harry Potter of course, Hotel Rwanda, Munich, Brokeback Mountain, To Kill a Mockingbird, any Alfred Hitchcock movie, and a whole shitload more.


C SI, S opranos, 6 Feet Under, C hapelle Show


T he Perks of Being a Wall Flower , A Clockwork Orange, S tephen King novels, C atcher in the Rye, W hores on The Hill, etc.



My Blog

problems with the gauges once again...

    So....I've had stretched ears as I'm sure you all know for about four years now. I started closing them up to please my parents. Normally, I wouldn't have taken that route, but I th...
Posted by Kaela Rae (R.N.) on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:38:00 PST


Life is Random...ask questionsOcean or Lake?oceanPizza or Chinese?chineseMansion or Penthouse?penthouseHave you been on a Jet Ski?no.Are you afraid of clowns?sometimes.How many brothers/sisters do you...
Posted by Kaela Rae (R.N.) on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:01:00 PST