Once upon a time lived a young maiden, born in a city filled with towering buildings of epic wonder. For many years, she believed in fairy tales, and as she journeyed through school, gaining high marks in the study of people and the mind, she knew one day she could have it all - a husband, children, a career, and a home. She met a fair knight, wounded once already by love, and already bearing two young. They married and she thought alas, life's dream has been fulfilled when they had a birth of their own. But the knight's interests strayed and the maiden left to seek solace from her father and mother. The courts broke their ties and a few years went by, and other knights came calling, but only to be a lover. Then a new path formed through a very old castle, where she helped to treat the mentally ill. And it was within those walls that a friendly coworker demonstrated great matchmaking skill. It seemed that the longing of her heart was renewed, and in a few months new life was brewing. She listened not to her instincts but instead to tradition, and after the birth, held a full ceremony. But regret began immediately and after two miserable years she could bear it no longer. She asked her mate to leave and filed within the courts again, proving that alone she is much stronger. The ties that bind are broken now, the maiden again is free. Her daughters are the loves of her life, the way it is meant to be. She no longer believes in the fairy tale, no longer sees how it could be, that one man could honestly and completely love me and only me? Scars run deep and trust is broken, nothing is easy to mend. A single mother of two young maidens is where this story does end.
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