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OFFSIDE - Starring Jernej MAŽGON -Jerry
Jernej MAŽGON – JERRY (Rojen, živi, dela in ustvarja v mestecu Maribor
ob reki Dravi.V zlatih srednjeÅ¡olskih letih je bil kitarist v glasbeni mariborski “Rap†zasedbi “DANDROUGH†in skupina novembra 1996 pri založbi Conan izda CD album “Ko pride Bogâ€.Kasneje ga življenje odpelje na podrocje filma in nastopi kot statist v slovenskem filmu režiserja Andreja KOÅ AKA z naslovom "Zvenenje v glavi", po knjigi pisatelja Draga JANCARJA.V istem letu ga k sodelovanju povabi filmski in gledaliÅ¡ki režiser Matjaž Latin, kateri mu nameni vlogo "pojocega policista" v igrano dokumentarnem filmu “KLEÅ CARâ€. Tako se Jerrijeva pesem “Maribor†pojavi na filmskem traku.V novem mileniumu nastopi na festivalu KANTFEST, prvem tovrstnem festivalu za kantavtorje v Sloveniji, kateri mu odpre vrata, ki vodijo do zvestih posluÅ¡alcev njegove glasbe.
Njegova besedila so bila dobro sprejeta, besedilo pesmi z naslovom “TI†pa so uporabili v gledaliÅ¡ki predstavi SNG Maribor, “Ta veseli dan ali Maticek se ženiâ€, A.T. Linharta, v režiji Matjaža Latina.V letu 2002 z basistko Sarito PETRIC ustanovi glasbeno skupino "ENNO" in l. 2003 v studiu posnamejo pesem “Mariborâ€. Skupina se kasneje preimenuje v JERRY & BAND in cez dve leti sledi druga studijsko posneta pesem "EHO", ki nastane v okviru projekta “Rokerji pojejo pesnike†. Jerry je na natecaju izbral besedilo, katerega je napisala Petra KOLMANCIC in ga uglasbil.V tem casu je veliko preigraval z drugimi glasbeniki, med drugim si je nabiral izkuÅ¡nje kot tolkalist v Big bandu Srednje glasbene Å¡ole Maribor in z njimi koncertiral po Sloveniji.Januarja 2007 nastopi v nizozemski oddaji “CITY FOLK†v koprodukciji RTV Slovenija in ob tej priložnosti s skupino JERRY & BAND odigra koncert v mariborskem klubu KGB.V njegovi glasbi je moc zaslediti prepletanje razlicnih glasbenih stilov z družbeno kriticnimi, ljubezenskimi in "liricno poeticnimi" besedili.
HEY JOE - JERRY & BLUEBERRY Live at KMÅ club Maribor 2008
Jernej MAŽGON – Jerry (Given birth, he lives, he works and creates in the city of Maribor next to river Drava).In golden high-school years, he was a guitarist in a Rap group called Dandrough and group in November 1996 issues a CD at music publisher Conan named “When God comesâ€.Afterward life takes him away on the field of movies and in 2002 he was an actor with nonspeaking part in Slovene film “Zvenenje v glavi†, directed by Andrej KOSAK, filmed by the book of Slovenian writer Drago JANCAR.In the same year theatre and movie director Matjaz LATIN invites Jernej to cooperate with him in a played documentary film “KLESCARâ€.
Jernej’s role was to play a singing police officer and his song “Maribor†appears on film tape.In new milenium Jernej played on festival KANTFEST, first such festival for authors of their music and lyrics in Slovenia which opened him doors to his faithfully listeners.His texts were accepted well. Text of a song “YOU†was used in theatre performance SNG Maribor, “This glad day or Maticek is getting marriedâ€, A.T. Linhart, in direction of Matjaz Latin.In year 2002 with bass player Sarita PETRIC founds music group "ENNO" and group in the next year records a song “Mariborâ€.Group afterward renames to JERRY & BAND. After two years they've recorded another song in studio called “EHOâ€. Song occurs in frame of project “Rockers sing poets†.Jernej wrote a music, text was written by Petra KOLMANCIC.In the meantime he was playing with other musicians, between other he was gathering experiences in a Big band of Secondary music school in Maribor, where he was playing percussions.He sets in in a Dutch show on January 2007 “City Folk†in coproduction of RTV Slovenia and next to this opportunity with group Jerry & Band plays concert in Maribor club KGB.In his music we can trace interweaving of different musical styles with socially critical, love and "lyrically poetic" texts.
NEKDO ("SOMEBODY") - JERRY & BLUEBERRY Live at KMÅ club Maribor 2008