Thanks for checking out this site.I hope you will take a moment of your time to look it over. May'be even read a little about my guitars.
After working for ten years at Taylor guitars. I set out to devote more time to designing and building my own brand of guitars. I thank Taylor and all the luthiers there for the invaluable experience for which I am blessed to have had.
Servis guitars are handcrafted by myself in a very small workshop near my home. That alone would probably make you think. "Boutique" must be expensive. Not necessarily; For about the same price as a store bought "cookie cutter" guitar. I can build you a totally custom,handmade guitar that you help design. You design the shape, choose the tonewoods, select the pickups, hardware etc. I'll even work out a payment plan to help you get the guitar you really want. Send me a message for info or your nearest dealer. Sincerely, James Servis "Luthier"