After 2 years of experimenting with synthesized ambient soundscapes and electronic music, 21 year old Jonathan decided to go ‘back’ to his musical roots, after seeing a gig of Explosions in the Sky. They made the music he used to make with synths, but instead, these guys used nothing but guitar to create a very dreamy, sometimes rough and crunchy atmosphere.
That’s what it was called. Jonathan started writing a few songs, and began looking for openminded musicians. That is when Gert (19) and Anthony (19) came in, and later on Thomas (18) joined forces with them. These guys, united by their passion for music, are ‘Say hello to my kids’.
No limits.
We make music for fun, we’re not a band with members who only see eachother at rehearsals. We’re friends, who see eachother almost every night, to go for a drink or just for having some fun.
We hope we can reflect those feelings into our music.
get in touch with us, we wont bite.
booking (at) sayhellotomykids (dot) com