Hello everyone its been quite some time sence i have updated my myspace, I have basic military training to thank for that. Anyways I am happy to say that I am now an airman in the worlds best fighting force. I cant wait to finish tech school, it is so exciting to be meating all these people and experianceing all these new challenges, I am soo proud to serv my country. I just would like everyone out ther to know that I really love them and am gladly doing what I do just for you, all of you, I defend my nation so that you dont have to and I will protect you with my unique skills that the Air Force gives me, so all of you can rest easy tonight becaus I will be defending you!!! And to my family out there who might be reading this I love you most of all and hope only the best for you, I want you all to know that I proudly serve my nation that that our family name is written in the history books as the people who did something when our country needed it so that when our future generations look back they have something to say well ya my uncle, cousing, grandpa, so on so forth did the best thing in the would "He defended FREEDOM!" so just know that because I go out and i make sure the bad people get punished to keep all of us free, I also do it so that others in my family have something in their history books to be proud of, something to hold our head up high when we speek of! For all my little relatives I want you to know that even though i may never meet you I may never even know your name I fight my wars so that maybe one day you wont have to, but always remember that you need to be your best, not just for yourself but for your familys too ok??!!
Much Love
AB Cochrane, Mark S
THis song kicks ass..... dam im proud to be an american.