Whats there to say that hasn't been said before. I go to school to prove that I can beat a system, and I'm failing, but I'm learning something in the process. Define irony. "A: The use of words expressing something other than their literal intention" (Bender) "B: Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs:" I am interested in the mind. I work for a 3rd rate software/data company. I work from home. I'm a poker player and damn good at it. Sometimes I wonder where my money goes. Life could be much shorter than you think, live for today, for there may not be a tomorrow. I rationalize everything. I need a new car. I like hunting, driving, card playing, joking around, discovery channel and adult swim, video games, and still thinking that I'm young and that I might just be getting younger. I like lots of things, just not everything. I heart Amber.