Knieriem Kreativkomplex profile picture

Knieriem Kreativkomplex

I am here for Networking

About Me

"Breathe in, breathe deep.
A lifetime is too long to sleep.
Staring at lightning won't keep you warm.
You hear the thunder but can't get out of the storm."
(Steve Von Till, Breathe)
Das Substantiv Komplex bezeichnet:
- in der Chemie einen Verbund von Teilchen
- in der Architektur einen Zusammenschluss miteinander verbundener Gebäude oder Räume
- in der Psychologie nicht bewusste Vorstellungen, die Denken, Handeln, Träume usw. bestimmen
(Auszug Wikipedia)
Nun bin ich also auch hier gelandet - einfach nur, um hier gelandet zu sein. Mit der Sonne im Stier trage ich wohl einen Sammler in mir, und der freut sich schon auf all die vielen Freunde. Hoffentlich krieg ich euch alle recht fein plattgeklopft in eins meiner dicken Alben. Da sind jedenfalls noch einige Wackeltische fachgerecht zu unterfüttern. Wer sich übrigens von der Hintergrundmusik belästigt fühlt, der kann sie hier abstellen:
Wem sie gefällt, dem sei gesagt, dass es sich um den Titel "nox" meiner top ten million CD "coulomb" handelt, die ziemlich genau vor einigen Jahren entstand. Muss wohl nach einem 11. September gewesen sein, wenn man sich "nox" so anhört. Weiter unten gibt es dann ein Video zu einem anderen Song von der gleichen CD. Was ich sonst noch so mache, wenn ich nicht gerade versuche, meine Vergangenheit zu rekonstruieren? Na, neue Vergangenheit erzeuen, natürlich. Das kann dann beispielsweise so aussehen, dass ich mit der Kamera in der Hand über Friedhöfe schleichend meditiere. Allerdings erst seit 2006. Oder es werden neue CDs meiner Band Sniff Clown aufgenommen. Da die Bassisten dort Gitarre spielen, muss ich den Bass bedienen und jedesmal dabei sein. Ansonsten versuche ich beständig, den Humor nicht zu verlieren - was gar nicht so leicht ist bei so vielen Brezeln in der Wildbahn. Aber wem sage ich das? Man weiß ja meistens gar nicht mehr, ob lachen oder weinen. In der Regel entscheide ich mich jedoch für beides - auch, wenn das noch nicht ganz eine politische Meinung ist.
language. switch.
"...the only way to fix it is to flush it all away...
fuck L. Ron Hubbard
and fuck all his clones"
(TOOL, Ænema)
These guys are a milestone without which I probably wouldn't walk this earth any more. A milestone in mountainsize - without which I probably wouldn't be a part of this universe any longer - comes out of another corner:
"Strong hearts soar through blindness
Tearing the fog, tearing the eyes to clarity
To a place where truth is seen"
(NEUROSIS, Under The Surface)
With these lines my international section begins. One can ask me why I am talking about Tool and Neurosis and not about myself? Showing some secrets or a mask behind a mask? These thoughts tell something about me. And these bands do, too. Maybe more, than if I publish some facts about my live. Who needs to know that I was born in 1970, that I am living in the City of Göttingen, Germany, that I share my house with a bunch of plush-rabbits, an old wise fish plus a very friendly-looking plastic pig and that I'm a smoker? Nobody will be forced to kiss me - except for the rabbits, who are used to it (as long as the plastic pig will not transform into a bunny). Take a look at them in my photo-space - if you dare. Yeah man, I am really that hard type of a motherfuckin' guy! So before you think I'm crazy, let the international language of music talk to you first. Reflections about madness are allowed later, when we will discuss your normality... when you will show me your desease... when I will deeply relax in your shadow.
Below you can listen to some of my favorite songs from a band called Sniff Clown (and don't forget to switch off the player above - or leave it, stop wondering and let the fraktal clusters conquer your mind). Is there a need for music like that? Is there a need for a planet like this? In fact, it had to be done. Directed by the invisible conductor, me and my friends can only make you this offer. God is a bone machine, still breeding life in the big bang.
It might sound stupid, but being a part of this music by playing the bass guitar is one of the reasons that I'm alive - so I had to upload it to my profile. The "Sniff Clown" page you can find in my friends section. Additionally I added some of my very own music to the player above. It's the kind of stuff you hear when you enter my space. The CD is called "coulomb" and I worked on it from 2001 to 2004 (well, not continuously). Another reason to live is my photographic work. Some sequences you can watch below:
What you have to know: this is an abstract of the last 10 years. What I have to learn: take a look, dear photographer, and try to find the thin red line. Isn't it a birth - life - death circle? What the fuck am I doing here, that 10 years later I have to realize that I had a blueprint originally, simply not knowing it? Working on this mySpace acount seems to be a part of my process. Is it the higher self or the downer low? With confidence I feed my soul to our collective unconscious, called the internet. It is simply arrogant to think that evolution will come to an end with mankind or will condense in humanity. But who cares anyway at the moment... Cheers and enjoy yourself, you invisible and you visible world!
If you are still interested, you can find a lot of more stuff on Warning! You will find pages written in german. Don't let this bother you. Follow your instincts. There is also a huge section with poems, short stories and novels and maybe you can have some fun by translating that stuff with google. By doing that, don't forget the sense of humor that was imprinted to you before the beginning. What comes out may be a very modern style of art, translating it back to german could be a revelation (for me) - maybe we will be ready in decades. Throw me out of the rat race, if you can! Wow, here comes another serpentine...

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