I am 27, half aussie half pom, have been in australia for the last 5 years with the other half and our 4 kids aged 8,6,4 and 16 months ( I know i know nuts right), but they are great kids.We love australia and the beautiful lifestyle it has to offer,beautiful Parks, Landscapes,Beaches etc.We are currently holding get togethers for families.
Fun days out like teddy bears picnics, discos, days at the park, anything if the family can do it, we can orgqanise it.So if you have an idea for a family day out but don't want to organise it let us know, always looking for great ideas. Visit our website if you want to know more
www.familiesforfun.50megs.com you can even join our mailing list.
The Things Kid's Say:
My 8 year old daughter runs in this avo and announces "that's why my dairy tooth hurts" what she meant was her milk tooth hurt because of the dairy milk
chocolate.My 6 year old son yesterday came in and said to his dad " this toy must be one santa got from the shop and not where he makes his toys, cos this one is crap" as you can Imagine I nearly hit the floor.