ENGLISH ....................................................
Any one who wants to recreate the CLUELESS ? SYSTEM haydays of Creative Raving!! Only lovely people please;
no homophobes, sexists, racists, nasty dick heads, aggro bastards, narrow minded weirdos, or other freaks of nature!
Anybody (that fits the above criteria) who is up for helping / DJing / playing / performing /or simply coming, to some nice parties here in the summer, get in touch...
ESPANOL ................................................
Gente buena que quieren ayudar hacer fiestas o talleres. Ellos que quieren venir a las fiestas, este verano con muchos clases de musica, en sitios muy bonitos....
?? Sabes bueno sitio a hacer un fiesta?? !!decirnos!!
!! Podremos venir !!