The label INDEX was founded in 2004 by sixpackfilm and Medienwerkstatt Wien . Its aim is to make available, for private use, hard do find works. Similar to a small publishing house for quality literature, INDEX releases and distributes audiovisual publications relevant to the history of international and Austrian film, video and media art.
Information about the film- and videomakers and their production methods as well as analyses of the works are provided in a bilingual German-English booklet.
If there is a certain focus on Kurt Kren with three DVDs, almost all important representatives of both Austrian avant-garde film and media art appear in the selection. The programme reveals also how highly differentiated the individual scenes have been: between the feminist body concept art of VALIE EXPORT and the Queer home movies by Pürrer/Scheirl, between the travels reflections of Lisl Ponger and the material studies by Gustav Deutsch, there are numerous references which are not based on common strategies or topics but on a dense array of audiovisual works dealing with identity, materiality and the many facets in between.
The label has meanwhile enlarged its programme by international artists, with e.g Ivan Ladislav Galeta from Zagreb or Józef Robakowski from Poland, which indicates an intensive discovery of common horizons.
INDEX DVDs are available to schools for educational use, as well as university institutes and libraries.
001 Kurt Kren - Action Films
002 Kurt Kren - Structural Films
003 Granular Synthesis - Remixes for Single Screen
004 VALIE EXPORT - 3 Experimental Short Films
005 Grzinic/Smid - A Selection of Video Works from 1990-2003
006 Mara Mattuschka - Iris Scan
007 Volks stöhnende Knochenschau - A Historic Video News Reel Project
008 Peter Tscherkassky - Films from a Dark Room
009 Constanze Ruhm - Video Works from 1999-2004
010 Lisl Ponger - Travelling Light
011 Manfred Neuwirth - [ma] Trilogy
012 Gustav Deutsch - Film ist. (1-12) DVD-Version
013 Gertrude Moser-Wagner - Concept & Coincidence
014 Sonic Fiction - Synaesthetic Videos from Austria
015 Oliver Ressler - This is what democracy looks like! / Disobbedienti
016 Dietmar Brehm - Black Garden
017 Leo Schatzl - Farrago
018 Martin Arnold - The Cineseizure (in collaboration with Re:Voir Video)
019 Jan Peters - ...but i still haven..t figured out the meaning of life
020 Kurt Kren - Which Way to CA?
021 VALIE EXPORT - Invisible Adversaries
022 Józef Robakowski - The Energy Manifesto!
023 As she likes it - Female Performance Art from Austria
024 Peter Weibel - Depiction is a crime - Video Works 1969 - 1975
025 Linda Christanell - The Nature of Expression
026 Pürrer / Scheirl- Super-8-Girl Games
027 Michael Pilz - Facts for Fiction / Parco delle Rimembranze
028 Ivan Ladislav Galeta - Obsession: Structuring Time and Space
029 Hans Scheugl - The Seconds Strike Reality
030 Notes on Marie Menken - Martina Kudlácek
031 Flaming Ears - Pürrer / Scheirl / Schipek
032 Dariusz Kowalski - Optical Vacuum
033 Maria Lassnig - Animation Films
INDEX DVDs at Metropolis, Melbourne.