Originally from Manchester in the UK I was a trampolinist from the age of 8. I competed for Great Britain and became the first British male to compete in the Olympics held in Sydney 2000. This was an amazing time.
In 2003 I left the sport to train with the Cirque Du Soleil in Montreal Canada. After training for a fair amount of time on various disciplines I aventually received a contract for the show Saltimbanco. Here I performed in 3 acrobatic acts and had the time of my life. During my 2 years on this show I visited Paris, Monterray, Guadalajara, Mexico city, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and eventually Rio de Janero where I performed in the last ever show of Saltimbanco under the Big top. I have memories that will last for the rest of my life and gained friendships that I will treasure forever.
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