Welcome to the official You & What Army street team myspace!
Combining hard trance, bouncy rap, beautiful classical and heavy alternative rock music, "You & What Army?" have created a completely unique style, making crowds rave, hip-hop bounce and rock out to every show they play.Earning a slot in the national battle of the bands final, being on a DVD and live CD, being played on BBC Radio and Wolverhampton university radio and racking up a massive myspace with fans across the world, "You & What Army?" have hit the scene hard, forcing people to take notice.Live shows are a culmination of all the elements of their combined genres, with fans not sure whether to rave or mosh to their epic music. Having playing to crowds of hundreds in their hometown of Telford, they are ready to bring their style to the rest of the world.
Everyone should experience this fantastic, original band.
To join the street team, just add this account to your friends!
Once you've joined, you'll receive bulletin updates on the activitives of the street team, and will be the first to get your hands on free badges, stickers and discounted merch!
So join and spread the word today!
Help support the band by posting our banner on your myspace page! Just copy and paste the following code!