Having a good time overall. Usually involving alcohol. Otherwise working out at the gym, watching movies, listening to music, even a nice car ride is pretty relaxing.
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That's a good question. Anyone really. As long as they're "good people".Sure, maybe I would like to meet some famous people, sure, I guess. Maybe that one true love, maybe I have and she's gone. People cross paths all the time, enjoy the time you have with people.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE
It all depends on the day I suppose. Any time frame and most genres of music can suit me much of the time. Most of favorites of today are Jimmy Eat World, Weezer, Keane, and Modest Mouse. All though, I definately appreciate more 80's than anything else such as REM, Journey, Foreigner, and Bon Jovi. I also love the long-standing bands such as Aerosmith, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and U2. All other music out there, well, I'm sure there songs here and there that I like for one reason or another.
Anything good. James Bond rocks the kasbah for me. Indiana Jones is a big favorite. Any kind of spy movies or action/adventure that is the quintessential poo.
Television......Law and Order, Monk, House. USA has a lot of good stuff. The Daily Show and the Colbert Report are funny too.
I'm currently reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms volumes. Basically the Chinese epic.
Christopher Walken is a pretty cool guy. Any James Bond. ANY! Joe Pesci and Robert Deniro are cool. Scarface....yeah.