at the moment.....HTRK-Nostalgia, Julee Cruise, This Mortal Coil-It'll end in tears, Eddie Marcon-Shining on Graveposts, Ennio Morricone- Psichedelico Jazzistico
Sally Potter's 'Orlando',To Live and Die in LA- William Freidkin, Hiroshima mon Amour, Maya Deren, Dawn of an Evil Millenium -Damon Packard, Days Of Heaven.
VH1 classic
Invisible cities.........anything by Angela Carter......... Andre Breton- Mad Love.........Robert Desnos (Surrealist Poet)... Bataille...... late 70's early-mid 80's soft porn mags especially Playgirl
i like big $$$$'s and i will not lie