Rising from the ashes of the Northwest, MurMur began in 2004 with Jeff Kido (Vocals), Stan Leonard (Guitar), John-Henry Bruner (Bass), Nathan LaClair (Drums and Backing Vocals), and manager Don Fisher. Dents and damage have already been caused throughout the Northwest with the unique sound MurMur brings to the stage. At their debut at "Hells Kitchen", a local club in Tacoma, Washington, MurMur shocked the night club by packing in a furious, large crowd. Since their debut, they have performed at several locations which include: Studio Seven, The Central, EL Corazon, The CatBox, The CedarWood, Old Shipwreck, Neeners, and several others.
MurMur's sound is a grooving mesh of old and new. With chaotic, machine like drums, shredding, breath taking guitar riffs and blazing solos. MurMur shows it can cross boundries, harness a dynamic style from early Slayer and Megadeth, to a more modern sound like Slipknot and KoRn. Jeff Kido's screaming vocals are screetching and power, yet full of emotion and pollitically charged controversial content. Practically made for the stage, all 4 members share a love for live music and its shows. MurMur is sure to be a name to be heard throughout the Northwest.
With the selling out of numerous venues, MurMur has open the doors to opportunity. And with all the recent success with a tour, and numerous sellout shows, MurMur is just scratching the surface to their full potential.