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Informed Republicans Group Forum Page
We are Republicans and proud to be so. This site is specifically designed for people that affiliate themselves with the Republican political party and adhere to conservative viewpoints and morals. Too much of the media is controlled by democrats and liberal speak. By pushing this page forward and joining with fellow Republicans, we can rest assured that we are not in the minority and can still be proud of what we believe. So forward this page to all of your friends. United we stand. Divided we fall.This is a very good video showing Democratic support for the war in Iraq which they now completely refute.
There is a very dangerous minority in Islam that either has, or may soon have, the ability to deliver small nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons almost anywhere in the world. The Jihadis, the militant Muslims, are basickally Nazis in Kaffiyahs – they believe that Islam, a radically conservative form of Wahhabi Islam, should own and control the Middle East first, then Europe, then the world. All that do not bow to their way of thinking should be killed, enslaved, or subjugated. They want to finish the Holocaust, destroy Israel, and purge the world of Jews. This is their mantra.
There is also a civil war raging in the Middle East – for the most part not a hot war, but a war of ideas. Islam is having its Inquisition and its Reformation, but it is not known yet which will win – the Inquisitors, or the Reformationists. If the Inquisition wins, then the Wahhabis or Jihadis will control the Middle East, the OPEC oil, and the US, European, and Asian economies. The techno-industrial economies will be at the mercy of OPEC – not an OPEC dominated by the educated, rational Saudis of today, but an OPEC dominated by the Jihadis. If you want gas in your car, heating oil next winter, or the dollar to be worth anything, you better hope the Jihad loses and the Islamic Reformation wins.
If the Reformation movement wins, that is, the moderate Muslims who believe that Islam can respect and tolerate other religions, live in peace with the rest of the world, and move out of the 10th century into the 21st, then the troubles in the Middle East will eventually fade away. A moderate and prosperous Middle East will emerge. We have to help the Reformation win.
To do that we have to fight the Inquisition, i.e., Al Qaeda and the Islamic terrorist movements. We have to do it somewhere but we can’t do it everywhere at once. We have created a focal point for the battle at a time and place of our choosing; in Iraq. Not in New York, not in London, or Paris, or Berlin, but in Iraq, where we have and are still doing two important things.
First we deposed Saddam Hussein. Whether Saddam Hussein was directly involved in 9/11 or not, it has never been disputed that Saddam had been actively supporting the terrorist movement for decades. Saddam was a terrorist and a weapon of mass destruction. He was responsible for the deaths of what is estimated to be more than a million Iraquis and two million Iranians.
Secondly, we created a battle, a confrontation, with Islamic terrorism in Iraq and not in the United States. Remember, Islamic terrorists started this. We have now focused the battle and are disposing of the enemy. The ones we get while in Iraq, we won’t have to get on our own soil.
We also have a good shot at creating a democratic, peaceful Iraq. This would be a catalyst for democratic change in the rest of the Middle East, and an outpost for a stabilizing American military presence in the Middle East for as long as it is needed. It may take a long time, but it’s worth it.
The United States joined World War II at the end of 1941 and stayed until 1945 when it was finally over. None the less this was followed by another decade of US occupation in Germany and Japan to get those countries reconstructed and running on their own again. World War II cost the United States an amount equal to approximately a full year’s GDP – adjusted for inflation, equal to about $12 trillion dollars. WWII cost America more than 400,000 killed in action, and nearly 100,000 still listed as missing in action.
The Iraq war has, so far, cost the US about $160 billion which is roughly what 9/11 cost the city of New York. It has also cost about 2,500 American lives which still is not as many lives as were lost on 9/11 alone. This is not a sixty minute television show or a two hour movie where everything comes out okay. The real world is not like that. It is messy, uncertain, and sometimes bloody and ugly. It always has been and probably always will be. The bottom line is that we will have to deal with Islamic terrorism until we defeat it, whenever that is. It will not go away if we ignore it.
We now have four options. We can fight the Jihad now before it gets nuclear weapons. We can fight the Jihad later, after it gets nuclear weapons, which may be as early as next year if Iran’s progress on nuclear weapons is what they claim it is. We can surrender to the Jihad and accept its dominance in the Middle East, now, in Europe in the next few years or decades, and ultimately in America. Or lastly, we can stand down now and pick up the fight later when the Jihad is more widespread and better armed. It will of course, be more dangerous, more expensive, and much bloodier.
If you oppose this war, I hope you like the idea that your children or grandchildren, may live in an Islamic America under the Mullahs and the Sharia. An America that resembles Iran today. The history of the world is the history of civilizational and cultural clashes. All wars are about ideas; ideas about what society and civilization should be like. The most determined and most ruthless always win. The pacifists always lose, because the anti-pacifists kill them.
Remember, perspective is everything, and America’s schools teach too little history for perspective to be clear. World War II began in 1928, lasted 17 years, plus a ten year occupation and the U.S. still has troops in Germany and Japan. World War II resulted in the death of more than 50 million people.
The U.S. has taken more than 2,000 kill in action in Iraq. The U.S. took more than 4,000 killed in action on the morning of June 6, 1944, the first day of the Normandy Invasion to rid Europe of Nazi Imperialism. In World War II the U.S. averaged 2,000 killed in action per week, for four years. Most of the individual battles of WWII lost more Americans than the entire Iraq war has so far.
But the stakes are at least as high. A world dominated by representative governments with civil rights, human rights, and personal freedoms, or a world dominated by radical Islamic movements, by the Jihad, and under Islamic law.
It is difficult to understand why the American left wing does not grasp this. They favor human rights, civil rights, liberty and freedom, but evidentially not for Iraqis. “Peace Activists†always seem to demonstrate here in America, where it’s safe. Why don’t we see Peace Activists demonstrating in Iran, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, or North Korea, in the places that need it the most?
The liberal mentality is supposed to favor human rights, civil rights, democracy, multiculturalism, diversity, etc. However, if the Jihad wins, it is the end of all these things. Americans who oppose the liberation of Iraq are coming down on the side of their own worst enemy.